Sunday, January 26, 2020

Elitism Or Pluralism Depiction Of Political Power Politics Essay

Elitism Or Pluralism Depiction Of Political Power Politics Essay The United States of America, the biggest democracy in the world, was born as such in 1787, when 55 representatives of each state gathered in Philadelphia in order to achieve a compromise, a union within states. When we talk about America, what crosses our mind is the idea of greatness, strength and power, an enormous power of an enormous country, and its distribution is one of the major issues in American politics, whether it is an elitist or a pluralist distribution of power. Nevertheless, it is worth first of all turning ones attention to the history of the United States and this will perhaps allow us better to understand and analyse the American power. Lets go back to the eighteenth century, when Americans were unfairly treated by the English Crown, they contributed to the metropolis and they were torn apart in every decision that concerned them so that by the middle of the eighteenth century, a negative atmosphere against Great Britain was starting to flourish. As a consequence, the War of Independence broke out in 1775; it was a revolution, a desire of freedom, and the American people, all together, achieved their independence. On 4th of July of 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed by John Hancock, Jon Adams and Thomas Jefferson, to name just a few; and the new states formed a Republic made up by a president and a congress or assembly, this is when a democratic regime is set up in the United States. A good example of this political transformation is this quote of John Adams: Let it be known, that the so called elitists liberties are not the grants of princes or parliaments. That many of our rights are inherent and essential. Agreed on as maxims and established as preliminaries even before government existed. We have a right to them, derived from our maker. Our forefathers have earned liberty at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasures, and their blood. Liberty is not built on the doctrine that a few nobles have the right to inherit the earth. It stands on this principal that the meanest and the lowest of people are by the unalterable, indefeasible laws of God and nature as well entitled to the benefit of the air to breath, light to see, food to eat, or clothes to wear as the nobles, or even a king. That is liberty, and liberty will reign in America! (Speech by John Adams, HBOs John Adams Series) Moreover, the Constitution of 1787 reflects for the first time the principles of political liberalism, inspired by ideals of freedom and equality against the elitist political power of Great Britain at the time. Therefore, a federal government was created, formed by a president of the Republic, the Congress with two legislatives chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate, and the Supreme Court. However, each state had its own government with competences in internal policy. Nevertheless, this separation of power first came from Montesquieu who suggested three different functions for the government: legislative, executive and judicial. He finds liberty in the distribution of power into several hands; if two functions were held in the same person, it could lead to tyranny. That being said, it is worth now analysing briefly the three branches of the American government. As for the Legislature (Congress) split into House of Representatives and the Senate, its main feature is to make law. According to the Founding Fathers, the Congress was supposed to be the centre of the governmental power; just to name a few competences, the Congress can declare war, confirm treaties or impeach the president. Today, because it is considerate as the symbol of the nation, the centre of government lies in the Executive (President) who represents the enforcement of law, having the power of veto, the grant of pardons or the nomination of judges to the Supreme Court. And finally, the Judiciary (Supreme Court) whose main feature is the interpretation of law. In the Federalist No.51, the fourth president of the United States and the Father of the Constitution, James Madison, wrote about the American power and its distribution. He said: If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. Therefore, a government is needed to maintain freedom and equality in the Hobbes state of nature in which the stronger oppresses the weaker and as a result, the interests of the individuals are reduced. But James Madison designed a federalist government in order to get privet rights and public happiness. He planned a double security, that way, the power surrendered by the people would be first divided between two distinct governments. These two governments are the State and the Federal government; then, the civil rights of the people will be preserved. Madison made sure of that by establishing a system of checks and balances in order to keep any institution from becoming more powerful. Some of these checks and balances are the nomination of judged to the Supreme Court made by the President which are confirmed by the Congress or the judiciary reviews made by the Supreme Court. That fear of power is also reflected in the Bill of Rights, which controlled the federal power by providing each state with federal representation. So, going back to the question proposed, is the American distribution of power elitist or pluralist? As I may have mentioned briefly at the beginning of this essay, and referring again to the past, American people wanted freedom and equality, but where these ideas came from? The European ideals and values of the eighteenth century got to the American society, lets remember that some years after the War of Independence, in 1789 the French Revolution shook the French Crown and also European governments; in 1802, the Spanish War of Independence and the posterior European Revolutions in 1820, 1830 and 1840. With the purpose of suggesting America as a pluralist country let me analyse the political thought of the most influential authors of the time who were Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, the figures who brought new values to the New World. In Hobbes State of Nature, all that reigned was chaos, anarchy and insecurity. Men were dangerous to themselves. The only way to get through that situation of insecurity was by given up peoples authority in order to lay their power on the government, so there could be order and peoples rights could be preserved. Here, is when the Lockes Social Contract comes, people devote their power to governors who have the duty to protect their rights, nevertheless, if governors stopped doing this, people would have the right to rise up against the power. As we have seen in the last few years, the American society power has forced some presidents to resign; the Watergate case in which the republican president Richard Nixon got involved, led him to his resignation. With the Social Contract, the government is created and its legitimacy is based on the protection of the rights of the people, who form the government, and it takes decision in a democratic manner, being the popular sovereignty one of the main principles of the State. Locke considered that the human being had some rights derived from the Maker, derived from God, and those were survival, liberty and the right of property. This can be reflected on the previous quote of John Adams. In short, American society has been forged in those values, the Constitutional principles, its individualism and natural liberty characterize it, because each person is the owner of oneself and every citizen makes the decision of participating and collaborating in the political life, because he or she is free to do it. In the end, the smallest state in political terms that we could think of is the individual, who is mobilized and organized by political parties; they play a very important role in American political life as well. Basically, political parties take part in the puzzle of the American policy in a complex manner. That is to say that, for instance, when there are presidential elections in the United States, the political parties get involve a lot more than in the Congress elections. The President, as I may have mention before, has become the nations sense of identity (Carl N. Degler, History Counts: The Burden of American Politics), people see in him the role of the leader who can only be Democratic or Republican. On the other hand, in Congress, there could be two parties, the Democratic and Republican leading the legislation together, in a higher or lower percentage of members but still, that is another argument for the pluralism of the United States. All in all, the United States of America conform the biggest democracy in the world, and as such, people have an important role in American political life, therefore, I would add a new branch in the American distribution of power: The Congress, the President, the Supreme Court and the people, because after all, the American Constitution of 1787 says We the People; and if Congress plays the legislative role, the President the executive and the Supreme Court the judicial, people are responsible of supporting them, because they are the base of the American political system. Even though it is not possible for them to reach the elite that leads the Congress, the Presidential figure or the Supreme Court, by accepting their authority and leadership, they make every political mechanism work. One example of what I have said before is the speech of the President Harry S. Truman in 1947 directed to Congress: At the present moment in world history nearly every nation must choose between alternative ways of life. The choice is too often not a free one. Our way of life is based upon the will of the majority, and is distinguished by free institutions, representative government, freedom of speech and religion, and freedom from political oppression. The second way of life is based upon the will of a minority forcibly imposed upon the majority. It relies upon terror and oppression I believe it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures The free peoples of the world look to us for support in maintaining their freedoms. If we falter in our leadership, we may endanger the peace of the world -and we shall surely endanger the welfare of this Nation. Great responsibilities have been placed upon us of this Nation by the swift movement of events. (Quote taken from the R. J. Johnstons The American Ce ntury) Also, the John Kennedys quote Ask not what you country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country or the Obamas Yes, we can show that, as Pablo Gonzà ¡lez Casanova asserts, America is made of many Americans; and if in the past, the government could be of the people and for the people, now, despite of the enormous influence of the minority upon the majority, the majoritys interest still prevails. In conclusion, after this brief analysis of the American distribution of power through the history of the United States in which the War of Independence, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were incredibly important and also the influence of some philosophers of that time like Hobbes, Locke or Montesquieu who brought new values and principles to the American society, it would be possible to consider the United States distribution of power as pluralist. Indeed, the facts that characterize Western democracies, according to Darryl Baskin in his critique about American Pluralist Democracy are: social diversity and balance, subsystem autonomy and separation of powers. I would like to finish off this essay with another quote, this time of Carl N. Degler (History Counts: the Burden of American Politics): What I am talking about here are not politicians and parties but the character, the historical nature, if you will, of the American people. For it is they who have created and sustained the politics of this country from the beginning right down to the present.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Compare and Constrast Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods Essay

Based on Freud’s theory (psychoanalytic) human functioning 1. The structure of the mind and the distinct functions of Personality The Freud’s structural theory (Freud, 1923, 1926) dispenses with the concepts of a fixed id, ego and superego, and point out unconscious and conscious conflict among wishes:dependent, Controlling, Sexual, Aggressive, guilt, shame, emotions (especially anxiety and depressive affect), And defensive operations that shut off from consciousness some aspect of the others. Id, ego, and super-ego are the three parts of the † Psychic apparatus † of Freud ‘s structural model of Moreover, healthy functioning (adaptive) is also determined, to a great extent, by resolutions of conflict. According to Freud’s theory that explain human functioning based on three level, Ego strengths include the capacities to control oral, sexual, and destructive impulses; to tolerate painful affects without falling apart; and to prevent the eruption into consciousness of bizarre symbolic fantasy. Synthetic functions, in contrast to autonomous functions, arise from the developmet of the ego and serve the purpose of managing conflictual processes. Defenses are an example of synthetic functions and serve the purpose of protecting the conscious mind from awareness of forbidden impulses and thoughts. One purpose of ego psychology has been to emphasize that there are mental functions that can be considered to be basic, and not the derivatives of wishes, affects, or defenses 2. Defence mechanism The ego fights acontinual battle to stay on top of the warring id and superego. Occasionally, their conflicts produce anxiety that threatens to overwhelm the ego. The anxiety is a signal that alerts the ego to marshal defence mechanisms. Unconcious protective processes that keep primitive emotions associated with conflicts in check so that the ego can cotinue its coordinating function. We all use defence mechanisms at times,they are sometimes adaptive and other time they are maladaptive. Human use defence mechanisms to function well and this defence mechanism can be used under the unconscious and conscious state of mind. However, it is important to note that autonomous ego functions can be secondarily affected because of unconsious conflict. For example, a patient may have an hysterical amnesia (memory being an autonomous function) because of intrapsychic conflict (wishing not to remember because it is too 3. The stages of Psychosexual development Freud’s assume that each child is born with a source of basic psychological energy called libido. Further, each child’s libido becomes successively focused on various parts of the body (in addition to people and objects) in the course of his emotional development. During the first postnatal year, libido is initially focused on the mouth and its activities, nursing enables the infant to derive gratification through a pleasurable reduction of tension in the oral region. Freud called this the oral stage of development. During the second year, the source of excitation is said to shift to the anal area, and the start of toilet training leads the child to invest libido in the anal functions. Freud called this period of development the anal stage. During the period from three through six years, the child’s attention is attracted to sensations from the genitals, and Freud called this stage the phallic stage. The half dozen years before puberty are called the latency stage. During the final and so-called genital stage of development, mature gratification is sought in a heterosexual love relationship with another. Freud believed that adult emotional problems result from either deprivation or excessive gratification during the oral, anal, or phallic stages. A child with libido fixated at one of these stages would in adulthood show specific neurotic symptoms, such as anxiety. According to him, unconscious mental structure called the id contains a person’s inborn, inherited drives and instinctual forces and is closely identified with his basic psychological energy (libido). During infancy and childhood, the ego, which is the reality-oriented portion of the personality, develops to balance and complement the id. The ego utilizes a variety of conscious and unconscious mental processes to try to satisfy id instincts while also trying to maintain the individual comfortably in relation to the environment. Although id impulses are constantly directed toward obtaining immediate gratification of one’s major instinctual drives (sex, affection, aggression, self-preservation), the ego functions to set limits on this process. In Freud’s language, as the child grows, the reality principle gradually begins to control the pleasure principle; the child learns that the environment does not always permit immediate gratification. Child development, according to Freud, is thus primarily concerned with the mergence of the functions of the ego, which is responsible for channeling the discharge of fundamental drives and for controlling intellectual and perceptual functions in the process of negotiating realistically with the outside world. Although Freud made great contributions to psychological theory—particularly in his concept of unconscious urges and motivations—his elegant concepts cannot be verified through scientific experimentation and empirical observation. But his concentration on emotional development in early childhood influenced even those schools of thought that rejected his theories. The belief that personality is affected by both biological and psychosocial forces operating principally within the family, with the major foundations being laid early in life, continues to prove fruitful in research on infant and child development. Freud’s emphasis on biological and psychosexual motives in personality development was modified by the German-born American psychoanalyst Erik Erikson to include psychosocial and social factors. Erikson viewed emotional development over the life span as a sequence of stages during which RIGIDITY/FLEXIBILITY The quality of being rigid; stiffness; inflexibility; absence of pliancy; specifically, in mech. , resistance to change of form. In all theoretical discussions respecting the application of forces through the intervention of machines, those machines are assumed to be perfectly rigid so far as the forces employed are able to affect their integrity of form and structure. Rigidity is directly opposed to flexibility, and only indirectly to malleability and ductility, which depend chiefly on relations between the tenacity, the rigidity, and the limit of elasticity. Flexibility- means holding our own thoughts and emotions a bit more lightly, and acting on longer term values rather than short term impulses, thoughts and feelings. Why? Because thoughts and emotions tend to be unreliable indicators of long term value. We have no control over them and they tend to ebb and flow – sometimes dramatically. If we trust our thoughts and emotions and act based on them, we can often overlook the more important, sustained patterns of action which bring true meaning, vitality and richness to our lives. Question 2 Behaviourism and education-how behaviourism view human functioning Behaviourism focuses on one particular view of learning: a change in external behaviour achieved through a large amount of repetition of desired actions, the reward of good habits and the discouragement of bad habits. In the classroom this view of learning led to a great deal of repetitive actions, praise for correct outcomes and immediate correction of mistakes. In the field of language learning this type of teaching was called the audio-lingual method, characterised by the whole class using choral chanting of key phrases, dialogues and immediate correction. Within the Problem Based Learning (PBL) environment, students may be encouraged to engage with the learning process and their peers within the group by positive reinforcement from a skilled facilitator to increase positive actions of engagement, contributions and questioning. Negative behaviours e. g. ack of engagement, negative contributions, could be minimized by the facilitator using negative reinforcement. Within the behaviourist view of learning, the â€Å"teacher† is the dominant person in the classroom and takes complete control, evaluation of learning comes from the teacher who decides what is right or wrong. The learner does not have any opportunity for evaluation or reflection within the learning process, they are simply told what is right or wrong. The conceptualization of learning using this approach could be considered â€Å"superficial† as the focus is on external changes in behaviour i. e. ot interested in the internal processes of learning leading to behaviour change and has no place for the emotions involved the process 1. 1 Operant conditioning Operant conditioning (or instrumental conditioning) is a type of learning in which an individual’s behavior is modified by its consequences; the behaviour may change in form, frequency, or strength. Reinforcement is a consequence that causes a behavior to occur with greater frequency while punishment is a consequence that causes a behavior to occur with less frequency and extinction is caused by the lack of any consequence following a behavior. When a behavior is inconsequential (i. e. , producing neither favorable nor unfavorable consequences) it will occur less frequently. When a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced with either positive or negative reinforcement, it leads to a decline in that behavior. 1. Positive reinforcement (Reinforcement): occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by a stimulus that is appetitive or rewarding, increasing the frequency of that behavior. In the Skinner box experiment, a stimulus such as food or a sugar solution can be delivered when the rat engages in a target behavior, such as pressing a lever. 2. Negative reinforcement (Escape): occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus, thereby increasing that behavior’s frequency. In the Skinner box experiment, negative reinforcement can be a loud noise continuously sounding inside the rat’s cage until it engages in the target behavior, such as pressing a lever, upon which the loud noise is removed. 3. Positive punishment (Punishment) (also called â€Å"Punishment by contingent stimulation†): occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by a stimulus, such as introducing a shock or loud noise, resulting in a decrease in that behavior. 4. Negative punishment (Penalty) (also called â€Å"Punishment by contingent withdrawal†): occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by the removal of a stimulus, such as taking away a child’s toy following an undesired behavior, resulting in a decrease in that behavior. Classical conditioning by associating one thing with another. Operant conditioning = by the consequences of what we do.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Getting casual at work

Title: Acquiring CASUAL AT WORK1. AbstractThis paper seeks to set up the effects and deductions of acquiring insouciant within the work environment of Bank of America. The Bank of America being the largest bank ( by assets ) , it is known for its high degrees of professionalism and its workers ‘ formal frock codification. This paper will therefore discourse the bank ‘s service bringing to its clients while at the same clip foregrounding the facets of effects of possible causal attacks that may be employed by the bank employees in dispatching their responsibilities. This treatment will be done consistently with particular accent on different subdivisions that will consist of a tabular array of content, debut, literature reappraisal, method of analysis, consequences of analysis, the decisions and recommendations made, a list of the mentions used in the aggregation of the information and eventually a list appendices demoing the extra stuff used in this treatment.2. Introduct ionThe Bank of America Corporation is based in Charlotte which is in North Carolina, it is considered to be one of the largest fiscal establishments that offer fiscal services, it is besides considered to be the largest bank in the assets class ( it ahs the highest plus value ) .The bank is besides the largest commercial bank by sedimentations. It is besides ranked as the 2nd largest bank on the footing of market capitalisation in the United States. The bank ( company ) is known to keep about 12.2 % of the entire U.S sedimentations. It besides holds the figure one place of subventioning the planetary high output debt, it is considered to be the 3rd largest investment banker of planetary equity. The Bank plays a really of import and critical function as an advisor to the planetary amalgamations and acquisition ( it is hence placed at the 9th place as an advisor on planetary amalgamations and acquisitions. The entire Numberss of clients served by the Bank of America originate from more than 150 states from across the universe. It has the highest per centum of relation with the U.S Fortune 500 companies ( this per centum stands at 99 % ) .Its relation with the luck Global 500 bases at 83 % ( of these companies ) .The bank is a really of import constituent of the Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) and besides an influential member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) .The bank demonstrated its ability to endure the 2007 recognition crisis and emerged as the healthiest fiscal establishment during that period. It subsequently plunged in market value after incurring heavy losingss as a consequence of buying the Merrill Lynch. The 2009 first one-fourth net incomes were valued at 4.2 billion with 3.7 billion holding originated from the Merrill Lynch.Professional frock.Before prosecuting in an enlightening treatment on the possible impacts of insouciant dressing at the work topographic point or any other associated facets of insouciant attitude in the work environment, it is of import to understand the construct of professional dressing and its significance in the professional universe of concern. Professional dressing has a batch of significance particularly in the Financial sector ( which the Bank of America is portion of ) .There is great significance that is attached to the colour of the professional frock, this is mostly due to the different significances expressed by the different type of colours.For illustration, deep and dark colourss are associated with wealth.Nuetral and the basic colourss are most appropriate for concern garb. In the Bank of America most senior directors frock in Dark colored suits which is a symbol of authorization, the dark colourss besides symbolize power. Blue is a colour that conveys self-respect. Green has been labeled as a really inappropriate colour for a male suit ; this is because it is a common colour for many hotel uniforms has can non populate up to the position demanded by the professional universe. Gray is a common colour that represents success and trustiness. The female employees have realized that the black colour is an of import and is able to complement many of their professional frocks. They hence need to take their apparels carefully based on solid colourss that can easy intermix with every bit many colourss as possible. Female employees can ever soften the basic colourss for their professional frocks like brown and black by adding gem tones, these normally demonstrates their assurance and energy, which is much needed by clients they serve in the professional environment of Bank of America. The corporate and professional criterions must be respected during the choice of the Professional frocks ; the colour of these frocks is a cardinal factor to doing a good a choice. The type of cloth is besides a factor in the choice procedure merely because it is symbolic ( For illustration the natural fibres like linen, wool, cotton and silk are a symbol of position. The most preferable type of cloth for both male and female employees in the Bank include 100 % pure wool. It is the most appropriate cloth for the professional frocks, followed by cotton. The likes of suede, leather, velvet and satin are cloths that are inappropriate for professional frocks. There have been different readings for the significance of professional dressing in America ( different provinces have their readings, for illustration the Texas and some Western provinces believe that a concern adult male can have on polished cowpuncher boots and their concern suits and remain professional ) .Florida and California has a more insouciant dressing standard compared to New York. There are States that have remained really conservative with their dressing manner ( intending they tend to dress professionally more frequently than non ) these provinces include D.C, Atlanta, Boston, and Chicago ) .It is common cognition that professional dressing has its of import significance, in the sense that it builds assurance of the employees and besides helps to construct a professional environment within the Bank environment which is a asset to the image of the Bank of America. It necessary that the clients or the Bank clients invariably feel that they are covering with professionals who will at all tomes give them professional advice to assist them protect the investings and besides give them sound fiscal advice. It is interesting that professional dressing helps to construct this environment. A good professional image for the male employees within the bank is to guarantee that they wear good quality suits that are solid and have dark colourss. These suits should be complimented with good quality ties. They need to keep a conservative manner of dressing, merely because Bank of America as explained in this debut is an international bank and has clients all over the universe and hence employees within the American Branch have a high potency of functioning clients from all over the universe and must stay professional if they are to manage such clients who invariably need confidence that the bank is professional and has safely kept their sedimentations.Casual dressing at workThe major possible causes of the emerging tendency of the insouciant dressing tendency in the fiscal sector with specific involvement in the Bank of America include ; the demand to return to a province of elegance as a new at tack of showing professionalism and decelerate but progressive alteration from the formal frock codification. This paper will therefore will turn to the history or beginning of the insouciant dressing and its possible effects within the Bank of America. Some of the insouciant dressing tendencies besides adopted by other banking establishments or concerns include the insouciant Fridays and the dress-down yearss.3. LITERATURE REVIEWBackground/historyThis subdivision of the paper will concentrate on the corporate history of the bank in an effort to follow the grounds for the Bank ‘s dress codification policy in relation to the type of clients or clients that they serve. It must be noted that the term ‘getting insouciant at work ‘ does non specifically refer to the dressing codification but can be loosely discussed in the context of the employee behaviour within the bank ; this behaviour could besides be referred to as being informal be it in the hierarchical degree or towards the bringing of services to clients. The Bank of America does non truly hold an highly rigorous type of frock codification but insists on smart concern insouciant or any other dressing manner that excludes jeans-shirts or in appropriate dressing, suits are non really common within the Bank ( this is with mention to the junior employees who are non portion of the direction squad ) . There are different types of insouciant dressing which include: Smart insouciant, Business Casual and athleticss wear. The most normally used insouciant dressing manner is the concern insouciant followed by the smart casual.Definition of the insouciant wearsSmart casual: This type of froc k codification is slackly defined and is really distinguishable compared to the concern casual. The lone challenge is that its definition is non really precise and many confuse the term smart insouciant with the term concern insouciant, this definition of smart insouciant contains dress pants even though other definitions include jean pants. It besides includes long sleeve frock shirt, idlers, tie ( is optional ) , a belt, a athletics coat. For female employees this could intend a skirt ( either long or short ) , a stylish belt, a jacket, a jumper that complements the frock that the employee has worn. The adult females are free to have on jewellery that regards there type of dressing. It must be noted that this type of dressing is largely appropriate in academic circles that majorly involves events where the said expert or professional speaks in forepart of an audience during talks.Business casualThis is a frock codification that emerged in many white neckband occupations in a figure of western states ; this tendency emerged in the early 1970 when there was the energy crisis. During this period the authorities had decided to raise the thermoregulator puting which so led to many directors authorising their employees to make manner with ties and jackets. The popularity of the concern casual had surpassed the concern formal garb wear. There are different definitions with respect to the concern insouciant wear, intending there is no by and large accepted definition for this sort of wear, every organisation defines this type of wear harmonizing to their reading which is majorly structured to accommodate the aims or the involvement of the organisation. A definition give n by the New York Times cites occupation hunt engine states that a concern insouciant wear means dressing professionally and looking neat while at the same clip staying pulled together. Business insouciant for female employees comprises of a skirt of sensible length or even full length bloomerss of non denims stuff. This can be complimented with a top. The concern insouciant wear for work forces is considered as a combination of a collard shirt, belt and places ( e.g. idlers ) with socks. The cervix ties and cufflinks are by and large non recommended for concern insouciant wear.A brief corporate history of the Bank of AmericaAmadeo Giannini founded the Bank of Italy in the twelvemonth 1904 in San Francisco. The chief map of this bank was to provide to immigrants. Amadeo was brought up by the Fava household ; this happened after his lost his male parent, who was shot seeking to roll up a debt. Opportunity knocked at Amedeo ‘s door measure when the San Francisco temblor struck in the twelvemonth 1906.He was able to deliver all his financess from the bank ‘s edifice which was ruined. He so used the reclaimed financess to loan out to persons who were willing to reconstruct. He got his lucks in the ulterior twelvemonth after all his debitors paid up their loans. He used his money to get down the bank of America and Italy in the twelvemonth 1922 ( this was in Italy where he had bought Banca dell'Italia Meridionale which had been established in the twelvemonth 1918 ) .In the twelvemonth 1927 Amadeo consolidated his Bank of Italy which already had 101 subdivisions with the Liberty bank of America which had 175 subdivisions. This resulted into the Bank of Italy National Trust & A ; Savings Association which had a capital of $ 30,000,000 and had resources deserving $ 115,000,000.It was subsequently in 1928 that he merged with Bank of America Los Angeles, he subsequently renamed his Bank of Italy to Bank of America in the twelvemonth 1930.The Merger was completed in the twelvemonth 1929 and resulted into BANK OF AMERICA.The function played by the ClothingThere is great importance pegged to the dressing manner in the corporate universe and this includes the Bank of America. It is common for executives within the bank to be associated with Business suits which normally symbolize the executive position. This merely means that the dressing styles acts as a codification of distinguishing the employees within the bank. In instances where the corporate organic structure has a corporate uniform, there is increased easiness of employee designation by the clients ( this greatly helps to advance the corporate image ) .Since there is ne'er a 2nd opportunity to do a permanent feeling to the clients, it is of import for the employees to recognize that the appropriate vesture for a given function within the bank can assist better the image of that employee within that function or even potentially help the employee win other functions within the bank. There is an interesting fact about vesture and the function it plays in puting persons within a given societal order. It is undeniable that there are different societal orders that exist within the Bank of America, and these societal orders are characterized by the dressing manners that are adopted by the employees ( this normally happens whether they are cognizant or non ) .It is advisable for the employees to place the type of function that they want to play and so dress the portion. Status is another function played by the type of vesture chosen by a bank employee. A museum specializer called Barbara Dickstein argued that vesture was the major thing that represented an single as opposed to the jewellery they might have. Wallach besides stated in the twelvemonth 1991 that vesture was a manner of saying the position, the function of an person in life and his societal place.Role of vesture ( illustrations ) . Blue velvet represented or symbolized the Gallic aristocracies ( this was in the 17th century ) .The European tribunal functionaries in the past wore apparels that were royal blue and purple in colour. In Germany, vesture that were red in colour were merely designated to the members of the upper category. The ‘casual revolution ‘ begun in the twelvemonth 1990, it was noted that during this period many employees including the company Managers were easy following this emerging tendency of insouciant wear. Apart from bank of America the tendency was mostly noticeable in downtown fiscal territories, concerns and corporate suites in America. The feature of the tendency is that employees would be casually dressed but look really presentable at the same clip. As mentioned in the debut there are different types of insouciant wear, the most common being the concern wear ( It is a really interesting dressing manner in the sense that it allows the employee to experience comfy piece at the same keeping his or her professional image ( illustrations include cotton shins, jumpers, and khaki bloomerss. Care must be taken during the choice of the insouciant wear, merely because some of them are in appropriate for an office environment. Many employees have ignored the fact that insouciant does non connote that one should dress in a sloppy mode, illustrations of inappropriate insouciant wear include sleeveless shirts, armored combat vehicle tops and athleticss wear. It is appropriate for the female employees to avoid apparels that are uncovering as these autumn under inappropriate dressing. The chief ground given by many accounting houses like Delloite and Touche and KPMG is that the insouciant wears affect the professional image of these professional companies that are ever expected by their clients to keep a corporate and professional image. John Molloy who authored the book ‘Dress for Success ‘ mentioned in his book that ‘Rulers of the Corporate and Political America wear suits-always have and ever will, ‘ There are some big American companies that have besides embraced the construct of insouciant dressing, illustrations of these companies include General motors and the Ford ( they have come up with insouciant frock policies that cover the full hebdomad as shown by Rothenberg, 1995.Another noteworthy illustration is the Chrysler auto company, where the employees at the central offices are to dress as they please, twice in a hebdomad, there is a possibility of this tendency wholly taking over the dressing policy of the company. The client outlook is an indispensable factor when it comes to taking the most appropriate type of dressing. The direction squad of the Bank of America strongly believes that the frock codification could impact the perceptual experience of the clients towards the company e.g. inappropriate or unprofessional dressing severely dents the professional image of the company. The Human Resource Manager of Price Water House Coopers ( Pat Cooper believes that â€Å"Appro priate frock reflects good judgement and clients experience person who has good judgement will give good advise† ( Walker, 1993 ) .There is demand for clear frock policy within the bank to help with the definition of the insouciant wear that is acceptable to the clients and the bank finally.The different beginnings of insouciant dressingThe current tendency of insouciant wear within the Bank can non be traced to one peculiar beginning but can be attributed to the classless motion in the concern and industrial environment in the early 1980.This besides brought with it the thought of authorization and teamwork which aimed at cut downing the differentiations that resulted from category. The frock codifications are greatly influenced by the client and employee demands. The bank merely recommends really insouciant dressing for those events that are considered charitable.Consequences of Casual wearPositive effectsThis subdivision of the paper will research the different facets of in souciant wear with regard to their impact on employee behaviour towards clients and even the Bank direction squad. It can be argued that appropriate insouciant dressing brings with it positive effects. These positive effects benefit both the employer and the employee. If the direction squad of Bank of America would dress more casually so they would be more comfy and hence expression accessible to the other employees and this could in a great manner encouragement interaction with the direction squad which could ensue into sharing of thoughts that would otherwise non be shared.There is a turning popular realisation that companies can vastly derive from more comfy and flexible employees, it is an interesting fact that insouciant wear normally creates a more relaxed environment therefore doing the employees to hold sense of freedom. If this sort of environment was enhanced through positive control, so the productiveness degree of employees within the Bank of America can be improved grea tly. The insouciant ware besides has its secondary impact in the vesture industry. The emerging tendency of insouciant wear has led to an increased gross revenues volume for many insouciant wear clothing houses ; hence they have experienced positive growing in footings of net income borders. The manner houses have besides engaged in extended runs to promote the houses to follow the insouciant wear for their employees. Departmental shops like Jacobson ‘s have realized that they can advance the tendency and in bend boost their gross revenues volume in the long tally. They have opted to taking the run to the door stairss of these fiscal establishments or Banking corporations by giving them free seminars on the type of insouciant dressing that can be adopted.Negative impacts of insouciant dressingIt is undeniable that the concern insouciant wear and many other types of insouciant wear which were popular in the early 1990 have sent daze industry across the fiscal establishments that had adopted them. The focal point of this paper will be on the negative impacts of this insouciant on the Bank of America. The treatment will therefore gaining control both facets of the term of ‘getting insouciant at work ‘ . The facets in this instance will mention to the concern insouciant frocks used by the employees and the insouciant attitude adopted by the employees towards dispatching their responsibilities. The current statistics show that this once popular tendency is on the diminution after the Bank realized that this peculiar type of dressing was projecting an image that was perceived by the Bank clients as unprofessional therefore gnawing the assurance of the clients in the bank. The issue that alarmed the Bank is the statistics that showed that employees who dressed more casually at work tended to be more insouciant at the topographic point of work in the sense that they discharged their responsibilities more casually. This meant serious deductions for the Bank. The insouciant garb was the largest subscriber to the damaging of the corporate image, it besides led to insouciant interaction among the employees for illustration it encouraged slacking off in the work productiveness. The employees tended to jest more often, engage in non productive treatments through remarks that encouraged coquettish behavior therefore making an environment that could promote sexual torment within the work topographic point. This straight meant that the bank could potentially lose skilled employees through tribunal instances and tribunal punishments. It besides posed the hazard of dragging the Bank ‘s image into these tribunal instances ( this could dent the Bankss image ) .It besides led to the loss of manpower hours. Evidence from a study conducted by a jurisprudence house farther supports this fact. There study which was conducted in 1,000 companies revealed that 50 % of these companies had noticed an addition in absenteeism and tardiness after implementing a insouciant frock policy.30 % of these companies besides realized that coquettish behaviour had risen. Another challenge that faced the insouciant frock was the fact that there was no clear definition of what insouciant concern garb should imply. Many employees interpreted the insouciant wear as what they normally put on at place ( some even walked around in the office without places. This had the potency of doing the work environment non contributing. Molloy ‘s research showed that adult females who were seeking to acquire in front in the corporate universe found it increasing disputing to be taken earnestly when they were casually dressed. The concern insouciant wear in the bank sent a strong subtextual message to the clients who interpreted the message to intend that the Bank employees were traveling to manage their fiscal demands including their difficult earned moneys in a really insouciant mode. This signal sent to the clients was non the message the Bank would at any one point want to direct to its clients and clients, therefore insouciant wear sends a contrary message to what the bank wishes to direct to its clients and clients. A critical reappraisal of the insouciant dressing policy reveals that the policy has more disadvantages than the advantages the Bank would desire to accomplish at the terminal of the twenty-four hours. Hence the Bank has become really disbelieving of the proposed advantages the concern insouciant wear would convey to the Bank environment. The bank bases its statement on the far making effects the insouciant wear would hold on its clients who are the Banks figure one precedence.4. METHODS OF ANALYSISThe following techniques were used in the analysis of informations and information that was collected in this research paper: Case survey, this involved conducting enquiries in order to look into the phenomenon of ‘getting insouciant at work Ã¢â‚¬Ë œ within its existent life context, this was done on intent because the boundary between the phenomenon and the context was non really apparent. It involved the extended usage of qualitative informations that was drawn from interviews and observations. It hence was used to pull a clear apprehension of the construct of acquiring insouciant at work. It involved the scrutiny of studies that were conducted in companies that had the insouciant wear policies and its chief focal point was on the Bank of America. The 2nd technique used was the Experimental Design, which is an fact-finding technique that provided maximal control. It enabled the relationship between the insouciant attitude and dressing at the work topographic point and its possible impacts to the Bank of America in footings of employee productiveness and client relation, to be isolated and so step accurately in a carefully controlled experimental environment ( where there is the experiment and the control )Methods of roll upi ng DataThe type of informations that was collected in this instance was qualitative informations which was structured ; this sort of information was produced through closed inquiries. This involved the usage of questionnaires, which made the procedure of informations analysis easier and more efficient. The questionnaires were administered to the employees, clients, and even directors of the Bank of America. It of import to observe that the questionnaires can merely let the prescribe inquiries and restricted responses. The design of the questionnaire was mostly influenced by the type of informations analysis. Interviews were besides used to roll up the information, in this peculiar instance the structured interview attack was used to acquire information straight from the bank employees, clients and directors.Consequences of AnalysisThese will presented through the usage of charts and graphical tabular arraies5. Decision AND RECOMMENDATIONSThis paper has demonstrated that ‘getti ng insouciant at work ‘ poses a possible menace to the image of the Bank of America and can therefore the insouciant wear can non be adopted as a possible frock codification for the bank, this is mostly due to the fact that the disadvantages the insouciant wear holds outweighs the advantages of this construct of ‘getting insouciant at work ‘ . It is of import for the bank employees to keep a professional image by keeping or seting on professionally recognized frocks. The female employee can dress in the upper category type of concern wear that are largely of natural fibres and respect cultural criterions.6. ReferenceButton, G. ( 1995, November 6 ) . No bathrobes, please. FORBES, 130. Davies, R. ( 1992, September ) . Pull offing by listening. Nation ‘s Business, 6. Himelstein, L. ( 1996, April 1 ) . Levi ‘s vs. the frock codification Business Week, 57. Rothenberg, A. ( 1995, June ) . What to have on? Ward ‘s Auto World, 32-33.7. Appendixs

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Great Depression Of A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee

Privilege plays a major role in the novel â€Å"To Kill a Mocking Bird â€Å"by Harper Lee. Set in 1930’s during the great depression in the southern part of America where racism is predominant and still is in some parts of the world, portrays the lesson of â€Å"Privilege is real from race to baking cakes. Sometimes you’re born into it, and sometimes you’re born with it†. The bitter reality of this lesson is that it still exists and is hard to come to an end. First of all according to the novel the author’s point of view on privilege is that sometimes you are born with privilege such as race tackles the law of life, if you are born white you have more power, facilities and benefits then if you were to be born black. For instance, as stated in the novel innocent Tom Robinson is pleaded guilty and falsely accused of raping Mayella Ewell because he’s black. Atticus explains this to Jem by saying, Tom Robinson s a colored man, Jem. No jury in this part of the world s going to say We think you re guilty, but not very on a charge like that. It was either a straight acquittal or nothing. (Ch. 219) To Maycomb Tom is seen weak and disgrace to the neighborhood. Everyone is convinced to the belief that any black African American is responsible for a crime against a white. Even the justice system is unfair; the all-white jury favors white over black. Secondly, status depicted through the novel is something you are born into an d is also a reason behind privilege because if you areShow MoreRelatedThe Great Depression Of Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1483 Words   |  6 Pagesticks by, so do you, and it s inevitable, whether you like it or not. Aging is part of life; including the life of Jean Louise â€Å"Scout† Finch in the novel â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† by Harper Lee. This girl lives in Maycomb, Alabama. A poverty-stricken, distressed, decrepit town she happens to call home during the era of the Great Depression. Scout is a five year old tomboy with a big adventurous heart that always strives to do well and figure everything out. Throughout the novel, though, she matures intoRead MoreUnfair and Cruel Treatment During the Great Depression in To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee833 Words   |  4 PagesTo Kill A Mockingbird depicts the daily occurrences in Maycomb County, an Alabama town in Southern USA. The story is set in the 1930s, when the people are mostly poor as a result of The Great Depression. Set in a time before the implementation of racial and sexual equality, the story provides insight on the mentality of the county people and their discriminative practices, which are aggravated by their difficult financial situation. Maycomb County is a white peoples town; the black community liveRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Analysis Essay1431 Words   |  6 Pagesof time racism has occurred, but during the Great Depression this lens was most clear to all. This goes hand in hand with the story of â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†, written by Harper Lee. This book is based on Lee’s childhood during the Depression. Some of the characters in the story are portrayed in her actual life; Atticus is based off her father who was also a lawyer, Dill was in reference of her friend Truman Capote, and Jean Louise is referring to Lee herself telling the story of her life experiencesRead MoreHarper Lee and to Kill a Mockingbird931 Words   |  4 PagesHarper Lee and her Works Harper Lee knew first hand about the life in the south in the 1930s. She was born in Monroeville, Alabama in 1926 (Castleman 2). Harper Lee was described by one of her friends as Queen of the Tomboys (Castleman 3). Scout Finch, the main character of Lees Novel, To Kill a Mockinbird, was also a tomboy. Many aspects of To Kill a Mockingbird are autobiographical (Castleman 3). Harper Lees parents were Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Finch Lee. She was the youngestRead MoreThe Historical Events Found in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee682 Words   |  3 Pageshistory is not uncommon. Harper Lee does this in her historical fiction novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. The setting of the book is the 1930s, because this was an important decade of change for America. Harper Lee utilized cultural parallels between important historical events and ideas in To Kill A Mockingbird to show the hardships of the 1930s that influenced corruption of the human mindset. One of the largest, and most crippling events of the 1930s was the Great Depression. Preceded by a decade ofRead MoreSimilarities Between To Kill a Mocking Birds and the Scottsboro and Tom Robinson Trial1045 Words   |  5 Pagesdo whatever they wanted to the black people and get away with it. Examples in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Portrayed similar factual evidence that the Tom Robinson trial and the Scottsboro Trial are similar. Mockingbirds dont do one thing but make music for us to enjoy† (Lee 94). American writer Harper Lee definitely worked her way up to giving people joy with her book To Kill a Mockingbird. Lee was born on April, 28th, 1926 and grew up in Monroeville, Alabama. Her father was a formerRead MoreHarper Lee862 Words   |  4 Pagesthe Life of Harper Lee and the Lasting Impact of To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee is considered one of America’s most enigmatic and influential writers of the twentieth century. Lee’s popular novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, offers readers deep insight into the dynamics of an unconventional family and Southern lifestyle in the1930s. Harper Lee was born Nelle Harper Lee on April 28, 1926, in Monroeville, Alabama ( According to the author’s official website, Harper Lee was a descendantRead MoreAnalysis Of Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1248 Words   |  5 PagesIn this novel with the title To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee used that to her own advantage;, the techniques in this book were very clear to the eye and it helped the reader more to understand the part that they were reading. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird the story is about a little girl named Scout who lives in the south in a little town called Maycomb, Alabama and during the Great Depression in the 1930s. and currently living in the great depression. During the story, Scout’s father AtticusRead MoreSimilarities Between the Scottsboro Boys and Tom Robinson Essay944 Words   |  4 Pagessimilarities between the Scottsboro trial and the trial of Tom Robinson in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. â€Å"No crime in American history—let alone a crime that never occurred—produced as many trials, convictions, reversals, and retrials as did an alleged gang rape of two white girls by nine black teenagers on a Southern railroad freight run on March 25, 1931† (Linder 1). The author of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee, was a young girl during the Scottsboro trial and based the trial of Tom Robinson in herRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee873 Words   |  4 PagesIn the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee illustrates that â€Å"it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird† throughout the novel by writing innocent characters that have been harmed by evil. Tom Robinson’s persecution is a symb ol for the death of a mockingbird. The hunters shooting the bird would in this case be the Maycomb County folk. Lee sets the time in the story in the early 1950s, when the Great Depression was going on and there was poverty everywhere. The mindset of people back then was that black