Tuesday, November 19, 2019

COMZ Study Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

COMZ Study Group - Essay Example Pederson has developed a listening skills which his staff needs to develop he acts as the role model of the organisation. The Clan culture focus mainly on the participation and involvement of the members of the organisation. More than any other, the clan culture mainly focuses primarily on the needs and requirements of the members or the employees and believes that if the performance is satisfactory, profit would follow the organisation (Draft, et.al, 2010, p.411). In a similar manner Pedersen also believes that by delivering good services to the customers and by motivating the employees to do so, profit will follow them. He believes that it is important to image how the employees feel and in turn develop a relationship building skills. Pedersen is committed towards team approach which according to him is essential for the communication industry where creativity is everything. Just as the clan culture suggest of taking care of the employees and make sure that the employees are surrou nded by everything which are required by them, so does Pedersen for its employees. QUESTION 2 Using the PESTLE framework, identify ONE external factor and explain how it has affected COMZ Group. (150) PESTEL Analysis tends to covers the macro environment. The PESTEL covers the Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors of an organisation (Lorat, 2009, p.6). COMZ Group was highly affected by the economic factors as stated in the case study. COMZ Group which began its operation as promotional video production company but latter shifted to event management mainly for the travel industry, the airlines and travel agencies. After the 9/11 attack, the tourism business was affected highly and also had an adverse affect on the COMZ Group. The company had lost about 60% of its business overnight for which the company COMZ had to reposition itself completely. The 9/11 attack had affected the business badly so the company was forced to shift into a new dimensi on. COMZ Group is now a communication agency which offers a range of products and services to both local and large MNCs. Identify ONE other external factor and explain how it could affect COMZ Group in the future Other than the Economic factor, the company is affected by the rivalry among the industry. Since the communication industry is a competitive industry, the company needs to provide effective and better services to gain a competitive edge over its competitors. The COMZ Group continues to face challenges because the communication is often regarded as a luxury by businesses which cannot be afforded during economic downturn. There may be other communication firms which might offer great services at a less amount affecting the business of COMZ Group. Therefore the competition among the established firm within the same industry is usually high and that to in the communication industry (Hills & Jones, 2009, p.43). QUESTION 3 Identify TWO COMZ Group stakeholders (excluding sharehold ers) and describe their likely interests in the performance of the company. Two COMZ Group stakeholders are the customers and the employees who act as core members and are interested in the performance of the company. The customers are the key stakeholders that the organisation needs to satisfy. A customer is someone who is involved in the decision making to acquire a product or implement a

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