Wednesday, December 25, 2019

African American People Have Had It Rough For Years

Shaun Spurling Mrs. Simon English 8-208 PART 1- BLUES African American people have had it rough for years. But over time, they have influenced us beyond belief. One of the main things they influenced was music. So I am here to explain to you how the African American culture has done just that! For centuries, the color blue has been associated with sadness. By the mid- nineteenth century the expression â€Å"the blues,† was commonly known in this way. Throughout history, the blues was a regular feeling that African Americans experienced. The Blues arose out of slavery. Through slavery, they were confronted with racism, violence, and poverty. Around the 20th century, African Americans expressed these feelings of sadness in a music unlike any that was introduced to America. Rising out of the Deep South, the music became known as the blue. Like Nati ve American roots, this is believed to be among the only original music in the US. The blues were simple, most of the time using only three musical chords per song. This fell outside the standard European musical scale but corresponded to the African music scale. This genre has a signature melancholy tone. The tone helped blues musicians tell stories. The Blues musicians wanted to tell their stories. TheShow MoreRelatedCultural Analysis of Boyz N the Hood Essay1652 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica largely went unnoticed by the general American public. However, the rise in popularity of gangster rap and the release of such films as New Jack City and Menace II Society drew the publics’ attention toward the largely ignored urban areas. Of all the films in the genre that came out, though, one in particular stood out. Boyz N the Hood, directed by John Singleton, became widely acknowledged as the definitive film for inner-city African Americans. 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Take these broken wings was very much in my mind, but it wasn t exactly an ornithological ditty; it was purposely symbolic.(Principia, 2015) During the 1960’s black people were having very hard time with discrimination. This song is so deep and at the same time, so metaphoric that it can be used as a songRead MoreAnalysis Of The Lynching Of Emmett Till806 Words   |  4 PagesLynching of Emmett Till by Christopher Metress, tells Emmetts story of death through various points of view. On August 24, 1955, Emmett Till, a fourteen-year-old African American boy from Chicago, entered a rural grocery store of Money, Mississippi. Because the young child had been gloating about his bond with white people up north, his southern cousins had dared him to go into the store and say something to the women working the register. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Gay Marriage Is The Us Constitution - 2585 Words

Who is to say who someone is going to love for the rest of their life? Whose to say wither or not two people brought together by love and happiness shouldn’t be together till death do they part? David Boies wrote, â€Å"Gay marriage is protected be the US Constitution† and said â€Å"gay marriage is not a liberal or conservative issue, but an issue of enforcing the US Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection and due process to all Americans. Just like skin color, sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic, so the gay minority must be protected from discrimination just as racial minorities are protected†. This quote is so strongly pointing out that equality is such an important quality in American. Freedom and human rights is exactly what American is all about right? Having a big house sharing it with the one person you love the most while even maybe having some kids. What is that a â€Å"big American dream†, has to be ripped away from yo u because of a personal decision you made. Of course there are two sided to every viewpoint as to why this would or might happen to someone. Some on the opposing side would say that there are long-term and immediate effect that can happen just from legalizing same sex marriage. Some of these reason are taxpayer subsidies to homosexuals, teaching of homosexual values in public schools as well as private schools, threats to religious institutions are challenged not to discriminate against gays, fewer people would possibly get married, fewerShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Case for Gay Marriage1673 Words   |  7 Pagespolitical debate over the decisive issue of gay marriage forces us to rethink our commitment to those deliberate words. Throughout our history, America’s homosexual population has struggled against society to prove that they have the right to marry anyone they love, regardless of sex. Until only recently, in fact, the vast majority of Americans have held steadfast views against the legalization of gay marriage. But in the most recent decade, gay marriage activists have made significant progressRead MoreLiberty and Justice for All: The Pursuit for Gay Rights Essay1262 Words   |  6 Pagesman and women the idea of marriage has been socially ingrained into the minds of Americans leaving any other possibilities of who love can happen between as unacceptable. These strong societal beliefs are far from the truth yet dictate the ability of homosexuals rights to marry one another. Avoiding defining what marriage entails in the constitution, the issue of whether or not gay people have the right to marry has become a state issue. The conservative idea of marriage is changing as society isRead MoreLegal Reasons For Gay Marriage889 Words   |  4 Pageswhy gay couples would want marital status to be recognized by the government. There are also 1049 rights intend for same-sex couples, these rights include: â€Å"hospital care choices for yourself and your partner; power of attorney for you and your partner; right to visit your partner in the ICU; rights to reti rement plan decisions; rights to survivor benefits from social security, and the list continues.† (TPF Student Action). The US Supreme Court on June 26th, 2015 ruled that the US Constitution grantRead MoreCalifornia s Statutory Prohibit Marriage949 Words   |  4 PagesQUESTION PRESENTED 1) Whether California’s statutory prohibit marriage between two persons of the same sex violate the California Constitution by denying equal protection of laws to gay, bi-sexual, lesbians and transgender a right to marry, or by denying the right to privacy and freedom of expression? BRIEF ANSWER No. Because the Constitution was written for a man and a woman to marry based on religion and would be a direct violation of what we have been taught all of our lives. Such a profoundRead MoreSince The Very Beginning There Has Been Discrimination,952 Words   |  4 Pagesone way or another. A widely-spread argument now is the question if gay marriage should become legal. This question has been becoming more public throughout the years. People have had conflicting thoughts about this topic whether gays should be allowed to marry or not. On June 26th, 2015, gay marriage was ruled to have rights that would be protected by the US Constitution commitments of liberty and equality. Since then, gay marriage was legalized in all states, however, is still and controversial issueRead MoreGay Marriage1280 Words   |  6 Pagesburrows, but flamboyantly celebrate their identities. The gays are now a people willing and ready to be heard. It has come to all of our attentions that in the light of m arriage they have been depraved and deceived. Homosexuals cannot allow this persecution to continue, as they are constantly forfeited equal rights. 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The first function is that it creates the national government which includes the checks and balances it balances out the three branches of government to make sure one does not over power the other, those three branches include; the legislative, the executive and the judicial branch. The second function of the constitution is to divide the power between the federal and the state government making sure each side gets to have a say but to also be sure oneRe ad MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Recognized?1692 Words   |  7 PagesKrisha McCoy Final Paper August 25, 2014 SHOULD GAY MARRIAGES BE RECOGNIZED ACROSS STATES There are many debates going on about whether gay-marriage should be recognized by all United States. Why is it that some states ban gay-marriage but others allow it? Why is it that some states declare that a ban on gay-marriage is unconstitutional yet others say it is not? Why is it that some states recognize gay-marriages from other states but others do not? These are some questions thatRead MoreGay Marrage And Its Constitutionality Essay1421 Words   |  6 PagesGay Marriage and Its Constitutionality The problem with the issue of gay marriage is being faced across the country. This issue has grown in popularity as we have progressed through our stages of taboo to acceptance of gays and their lifestyle. The media and remodels have expressed their acceptance of the issue by exploring the lifestyle and publicizing it. Now California has moved to the forefront of modern attempts to eliminate the codified restrictions on their life. With a high gay population

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Looseness In The Skin Of A Lion By Michael Ondaatje Essay Example For Students

Looseness In The Skin Of A Lion By Michael Ondaatje Essay Looseness ?In The Skin Of A Lion? By Michael OndaatjeLet me now re-emphasise the extreme looseness of the structure of all objects How Ondaatje makes use of loosness in the novel. In ?In The Skin Of A Lion? by Michael Ondaatje, ?the extreme looseness of the structure of all objects? is carried into the themes, characters and into the nature of the novel itself. Ondaatje uses a ?looseness? in the style of the novel post modernism, and ?looseness of structure? in the way that people are able to stretch and expand their boundaries: transform or mask themselves into someone not typical of their social group. We will write a custom essay on Looseness In The Skin Of A Lion By Michael Ondaatje specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now This novel was written in the late 1980s and is classified as a post-modern work. Essentially, ?In The Skin Of A Lion? has many traits of a post-modern novel, it deals with chaos and order, has multi-layered interpretations, provokes an ambiguous and mixed reaction from the reader, and has varied approaches to the conventional storyline; beginning, exposition, and closure. There are liberties taken with the time structure of the narrative. The story itself is like a ?mural, falling together of accomplices.? Ondaatje tells of ordinary people whos stories interlock and intersect, with many ?fragments of human order?. Ondaatje does not tell the stories loosely and scattered with no real purpose in mind, he employs recurring images and motifs, for e.g. moths and insects, feldspar. This is to provide continuity and relevance, and helps him to give a view on the untold history of Toronto. An emphasis is placed on the story that comes from different viewpoints and angles the ?chaos?, and then structures it so that its order of history is ?very faint, very human? as opposed to official histories. It takes every single word from the first page to the last, in order to make sense of the meanings, which ?travel languorously like messages in a bottle?. The novels storyline is not linear, it slides from one character to the next, then slips and loses itself in the time that it created, ?five years earlier, or ten years into the f uture? The prologue only makes sense once the end is reached, and the bits in between all mingle and melt into one another until most of the completed narrative is achieved. In fact, it takes a few good readings to pick up the events and stitch them together to create order, and only then are the meanings apparent. ?Meander if you want to get to town?. Even when the book is finished, there is no distinct closure and finality of the narrative; the story itself is in the process of being told. ?This is a story a young girl gathers in a car, and in that same way, it tells of how that car trip started, so the tale backs up on itself. The novel constantly brings attention that it itself is a work of fiction. There are constant references to art, music, drama, film, photography, and literature, as well as devices used ?You reach people through metaphor?. It implies that it is a creation, ?Only the best art can order the chaotic tumble of events..? and even ?The first sentence of every novel should be. Authors, painters, singers and actors all feature highly in a book about peoples creation of their lives and history. Ondaatjes language in the novel borders on poetry. Imagery, figurative language and emotive words abound whenever he is being descriptive, or making a point. The second paragraph at the beginning of ?Caravaggio?, ?by noon onto the blue metal?, has a certain rhythm in the words and sentences, ?Taking an innocent step/He would fall through the air and die?, ?joined by a rope one on each slope?, that somewhat mirrors lines in poetry. Poetic devices are in the scene of the puppet-show. Similes ?Machine locked in habit?, economic use of words ?exhausted statuary?, and repetition ?There. There. There? effectively convey a vivid image to the reader. .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .postImageUrl , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:hover , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:visited , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:active { border:0!important; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:active , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Love Essay ThesisThere is not just flexibility in the structure of the novel and how it is written, it is also carried into themes. One of the issues deals with the looseness of boundaries, especially the boundaries of stereotype and class, ?Gestures, and work and bloodline are the only currency?. This attitude is one that Ondaatje aims to challenge in the novel. Boundaries could be physical, e.g. the bridge with the ?lanterns tracing outlines?. This kind is symbolical, the nun loses the boundaries and falls over into a new existence. She takes on a new character and her past life is obliterated, just by having stretched her boundaries. Boundaries could be somewhat physical, in the mental sense. When Patrick sees the loggers skate across ice holding fires, ?his mind raced ahead of his body.? i.e. he has been exposed to a realisation outside of his world. Language and people often have barriers to cross, they ?br through chrysalis into language? and by doing so, the structures of their world changes. Patrick finally breaks through his isolation when he reaches out to communicate with Elena and the Macedonians. He gained new friends, was admired and had to learn a new culture. In this way Ondaatje expresses how life can change from extreme to extreme, just by stretching and expanding boundaries. There is an insinuation throughout the book of the superficiality of constraints. In many examples through the book, Ondaatje lets us see how the ?extreme looseness? is carried into role playing. Alice is a mother, a political activist, a lover, and an actress, all at once, and yet is the same being. The dyers ?leapt into different colours as if into different countries?, but the colour was disrobed from them in a matter of minutes. Of course, the smell has permeated their body eternally, perhaps symbolising that once a role is played, it rema ins with you forever. When first becoming a ?searcher, the experience remained with Patrick, ?a searcher gazing into the darkness of his own country?, searching for how to relate to the people around him and what his place was in his country. So there is the significance of how loose boundaries and social casting can be, and how life can oscillate from extreme to extreme. Structures such as bridges and waterways also have a ?loose? quality, in that its significance is past its physical state. In many instances in this novel, Toronto infrastructure is symbolic of the work achieved by the builders, and how it exists because of the sacrifice of immigrant workers. In The Skin Of A Lion is not just a book based on looseness. Although it creates looseness by its poetic devices, the non-linear time structure and the post-modern nature of the novel, there is nothing loose about Ondaatjes story-telling. There are constant ties and recurrent images in the narrative, and even if the sequence of the events are not in chronological order, there is no doubt that every significant event has been covered and cross-referenced. All these literary devices contribute to the effect of looseness in the way the novel is written. This is reflect ive of the themes, in that historys interpretation can be loosened. There is extreme looseness in the meaning of events to the people who built Toronto in comparison to the official histories, and the symbolic natures of the structure of all objects in the novel. Melissa-Ann ChanBibliographyIn the Skin Of A Lion- Michael OndaatjeEnglish Essays

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Schizophrenia Essays (429 words) - Psychiatry, Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia My Proposal Schizophrenia is a disastrous mental illness present in 1% of the world's population. Doctors are still unsure of the causes of schizophrenia, and no medical cure has been discovered for this illness. Physicians have developed medical treatments, although the problem is getting the patient to stay on the medication, which contains many side affects. Many alternative medications have been tested for instance marijuana is believed to help schizophrenics battle their illness. Schizophrenics should be admitted to hospitals where doctors can be positive they are correctly diagnosed, and make sure they're not dangerous, and can survive in society. Schizophrenia is probably the most misunderstood illness in society today. Even doctors have a hard time agreeing on what forms of treatment are best for the patient. From pills to marijuana all types of drugs are used, a recent study showed only 29% of over 2 million Americans suffering from schizophrenia, get the correct dose of the correct medication. Most doctors would agree that isolation only deepens the illness, so the more social a schizoid is the better. However, schizophrenic's can be very dangerous in public, one mental patient named shoved a woman to her death under a subway train for no apparent reason. This is a frightening thing; a way to control schizos is needed for Americans to feel safe. By having schizophrenic (or mentally ill) people stay in a special hospital for a short period of time, will greatly help with the current problems caused by schizophrenia. In a hospital a patient will be able to receive proper medication from a highly experienced doctor, and also will become familiar with the medicine and how to take it properly. Also the patient will be able to socialize with others, who have a similar illness. The patients may receive psychiatric help if they do become violent. Finally, once the patients prove to be mentally fit, properly diagnosed, and able to constantly take their medicine they will be aloud back in the real world, and others should have nothing to fear. To gain information on this topic, I will search for recent studies on the Internet, magazines, and newspapers. Also I will browse through the school and the public library. An interview with some doctors or psychiatrists would be very helpful as well. By using all of the previous resources I will be able to develop many interesting ideas on schizophrenia, and its problems today. To begin researching this topic I will need the complete support of my teacher. Hopefully, once I have obtained permission I will be able to develop an interesting point of view on this topic. It would also be terrific when my research essay is complete if it would be used to help educate those who are unfamiliar with schizophrenia.