Wednesday, December 25, 2019

African American People Have Had It Rough For Years

Shaun Spurling Mrs. Simon English 8-208 PART 1- BLUES African American people have had it rough for years. But over time, they have influenced us beyond belief. One of the main things they influenced was music. So I am here to explain to you how the African American culture has done just that! For centuries, the color blue has been associated with sadness. By the mid- nineteenth century the expression â€Å"the blues,† was commonly known in this way. Throughout history, the blues was a regular feeling that African Americans experienced. The Blues arose out of slavery. Through slavery, they were confronted with racism, violence, and poverty. Around the 20th century, African Americans expressed these feelings of sadness in a music unlike any that was introduced to America. Rising out of the Deep South, the music became known as the blue. Like Nati ve American roots, this is believed to be among the only original music in the US. The blues were simple, most of the time using only three musical chords per song. This fell outside the standard European musical scale but corresponded to the African music scale. This genre has a signature melancholy tone. The tone helped blues musicians tell stories. The Blues musicians wanted to tell their stories. TheShow MoreRelatedCultural Analysis of Boyz N the Hood Essay1652 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica largely went unnoticed by the general American public. However, the rise in popularity of gangster rap and the release of such films as New Jack City and Menace II Society drew the publics’ attention toward the largely ignored urban areas. Of all the films in the genre that came out, though, one in particular stood out. Boyz N the Hood, directed by John Singleton, became widely acknowledged as the definitive film for inner-city African Americans. 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