Wednesday, December 25, 2019

African American People Have Had It Rough For Years

Shaun Spurling Mrs. Simon English 8-208 PART 1- BLUES African American people have had it rough for years. But over time, they have influenced us beyond belief. One of the main things they influenced was music. So I am here to explain to you how the African American culture has done just that! For centuries, the color blue has been associated with sadness. By the mid- nineteenth century the expression â€Å"the blues,† was commonly known in this way. Throughout history, the blues was a regular feeling that African Americans experienced. The Blues arose out of slavery. Through slavery, they were confronted with racism, violence, and poverty. Around the 20th century, African Americans expressed these feelings of sadness in a music unlike any that was introduced to America. Rising out of the Deep South, the music became known as the blue. Like Nati ve American roots, this is believed to be among the only original music in the US. The blues were simple, most of the time using only three musical chords per song. This fell outside the standard European musical scale but corresponded to the African music scale. This genre has a signature melancholy tone. The tone helped blues musicians tell stories. The Blues musicians wanted to tell their stories. TheShow MoreRelatedCultural Analysis of Boyz N the Hood Essay1652 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica largely went unnoticed by the general American public. However, the rise in popularity of gangster rap and the release of such films as New Jack City and Menace II Society drew the publics’ attention toward the largely ignored urban areas. Of all the films in the genre that came out, though, one in particular stood out. Boyz N the Hood, directed by John Singleton, became widely acknowledged as the definitive film for inner-city African Americans. 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Individuals were treated like toys, objects, tortured, and killed for the fact of that their color of their skin is different. As stated before, dehumanization has existed since 1619, when the dutch traders captured the African Americans, where they sufferedRead MoreTaking a Look at Tiger Woods763 Words   |  3 Pages Tiger Woods is a trailblazer who has shown bountiful amounts of people that even when times get rough they can still succeed. Tiger Woods real name is Eldrick Woods and his father was a huge inspiration to him. (Hasday, page 1) He was given trouble because he didnt have the same race as everyone else although, â€Å"he was actually of African American, Native American, Asian, and Caucasian background.† (Britannica School, 2014) Ti ger Woods has gone through many tragedies and he is such a strong personRead MoreAnalysis Of Sharon M. Drapers Copper Sun1144 Words   |  5 Pagesthis fine example of African womanhood? Hardly a scratch on her. Bright enough to be taught simple commands, like ‘Come here’ and ‘Lie down’† (52). Amari, the terrified teenager the auctioneer was talking about, was recently taken from her home, chained, and crammed into a slave ship set for America. While on the slave ship, people underwent hunger, sickness, thirst, rape, and death. Though Sharon M. Draper wrote these characters as fictional, they correctly portray people that have lived during thatRead MoreLadies and gentlemen, today is my honor to present you a man, who contributed to the shape of our800 Words   |  4 Pagesman who had a rough infancy, through struggle, fought for the civil rights at the time of oppression cause by the segregation, inequalities and injustice, a man who never gave up for freedom. A man through his dedication, perseverance was able to make a difference in the African American community. Today he is recognized worldwide, and celebrated in the black history month. This man is Malcolm X. Malcolm X was a visionary who had the courage to step up and motivate the African Americans to fightRead MoreA Brief Biography of Malcolm X698 Words   |  3 PagesLouise Little and Earl Little. Little did they know that their son would change the future for African-Americans. Malcolm had a rough childhood due to the fact that he lived during the time of racism between African-Americans and Caucasians. Malcolm was treated a little different, because the color of his skin. Malcolm was lighter than his other siblings. Malcolm was treated badly by African-Americans, because they thought he was bi-racial. His farther also showed a difference between MalcolmRead MoreAnalysis Of The Beatles Blackbird 1081 Words   |  5 Pagesblack person. It wasn t necessarily a black bird , but it works that way, as much as then you called girls birds ; the Everlys had had Bird Dog, so the word bird was around. Take these broken wings was very much in my mind, but it wasn t exactly an ornithological ditty; it was purposely symbolic.(Principia, 2015) During the 1960’s black people were having very hard time with discrimination. This song is so deep and at the same time, so metaphoric that it can be used as a songRead MoreAnalysis Of The Lynching Of Emmett Till806 Words   |  4 PagesLynching of Emmett Till by Christopher Metress, tells Emmetts story of death through various points of view. On August 24, 1955, Emmett Till, a fourteen-year-old African American boy from Chicago, entered a rural grocery store of Money, Mississippi. Because the young child had been gloating about his bond with white people up north, his southern cousins had dared him to go into the store and say something to the women working the register. Emmett accepted their challenge; seconds later he was at the counterRead MoreThe United States Treatment Of African Americans1291 Words   |  6 PagesThe United States’ treatment of African Americans has changed tremendously since the country’s founding up until now. African Americans were first introduced to the country in one of the harshest manners possible. They were brought over on tightly compacted slave ships and then forced into hard labor for the entirety of their lives. This went on for cent uries until African Americans were finally given their freedom after the Civil War. Albeit this was much better than slavery, citizenship came with

Monday, December 16, 2019

Gay Marriage Is The Us Constitution - 2585 Words

Who is to say who someone is going to love for the rest of their life? Whose to say wither or not two people brought together by love and happiness shouldn’t be together till death do they part? David Boies wrote, â€Å"Gay marriage is protected be the US Constitution† and said â€Å"gay marriage is not a liberal or conservative issue, but an issue of enforcing the US Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection and due process to all Americans. Just like skin color, sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic, so the gay minority must be protected from discrimination just as racial minorities are protected†. This quote is so strongly pointing out that equality is such an important quality in American. Freedom and human rights is exactly what American is all about right? Having a big house sharing it with the one person you love the most while even maybe having some kids. What is that a â€Å"big American dream†, has to be ripped away from yo u because of a personal decision you made. Of course there are two sided to every viewpoint as to why this would or might happen to someone. Some on the opposing side would say that there are long-term and immediate effect that can happen just from legalizing same sex marriage. Some of these reason are taxpayer subsidies to homosexuals, teaching of homosexual values in public schools as well as private schools, threats to religious institutions are challenged not to discriminate against gays, fewer people would possibly get married, fewerShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Case for Gay Marriage1673 Words   |  7 Pagespolitical debate over the decisive issue of gay marriage forces us to rethink our commitment to those deliberate words. Throughout our history, America’s homosexual population has struggled against society to prove that they have the right to marry anyone they love, regardless of sex. Until only recently, in fact, the vast majority of Americans have held steadfast views against the legalization of gay marriage. But in the most recent decade, gay marriage activists have made significant progressRead MoreLiberty and Justice for All: The Pursuit for Gay Rights Essay1262 Words   |  6 Pagesman and women the idea of marriage has been socially ingrained into the minds of Americans leaving any other possibilities of who love can happen between as unacceptable. These strong societal beliefs are far from the truth yet dictate the ability of homosexuals rights to marry one another. Avoiding defining what marriage entails in the constitution, the issue of whether or not gay people have the right to marry has become a state issue. The conservative idea of marriage is changing as society isRead MoreLegal Reasons For Gay Marriage889 Words   |  4 Pageswhy gay couples would want marital status to be recognized by the government. There are also 1049 rights intend for same-sex couples, these rights include: â€Å"hospital care choices for yourself and your partner; power of attorney for you and your partner; right to visit your partner in the ICU; rights to reti rement plan decisions; rights to survivor benefits from social security, and the list continues.† (TPF Student Action). The US Supreme Court on June 26th, 2015 ruled that the US Constitution grantRead MoreCalifornia s Statutory Prohibit Marriage949 Words   |  4 PagesQUESTION PRESENTED 1) Whether California’s statutory prohibit marriage between two persons of the same sex violate the California Constitution by denying equal protection of laws to gay, bi-sexual, lesbians and transgender a right to marry, or by denying the right to privacy and freedom of expression? BRIEF ANSWER No. Because the Constitution was written for a man and a woman to marry based on religion and would be a direct violation of what we have been taught all of our lives. Such a profoundRead MoreSince The Very Beginning There Has Been Discrimination,952 Words   |  4 Pagesone way or another. A widely-spread argument now is the question if gay marriage should become legal. This question has been becoming more public throughout the years. People have had conflicting thoughts about this topic whether gays should be allowed to marry or not. On June 26th, 2015, gay marriage was ruled to have rights that would be protected by the US Constitution commitments of liberty and equality. Since then, gay marriage was legalized in all states, however, is still and controversial issueRead MoreGay Marriage1280 Words   |  6 Pagesburrows, but flamboyantly celebrate their identities. The gays are now a people willing and ready to be heard. It has come to all of our attentions that in the light of m arriage they have been depraved and deceived. Homosexuals cannot allow this persecution to continue, as they are constantly forfeited equal rights. The arguments are of lifestyle differences and the legalized discrimination of these people. It encompasses same-sex marriage as a cause worth fighting and defending so that we all mayRead MoreSame Sex Marriages Effect On Society1685 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Objective: This report discusses same-sex marriages effect on society. Informative Research: On June 25, 2015 the United States Supreme Court ruled the constitutional right to gay marriage. The ruling made the United States the 20th country in the world to approve gay marriage. The first country to make the legalization was the Netherlands in 2001. Massachusetts paved way for allowing gay marriage in the United States in 2004 and was followed thereafter by all but 13 states by February ofRead MoreThe Main Functions Of The Constitution882 Words   |  4 Pages The Constitution has three major functions. The first function is that it creates the national government which includes the checks and balances it balances out the three branches of government to make sure one does not over power the other, those three branches include; the legislative, the executive and the judicial branch. The second function of the constitution is to divide the power between the federal and the state government making sure each side gets to have a say but to also be sure oneRe ad MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Recognized?1692 Words   |  7 PagesKrisha McCoy Final Paper August 25, 2014 SHOULD GAY MARRIAGES BE RECOGNIZED ACROSS STATES There are many debates going on about whether gay-marriage should be recognized by all United States. Why is it that some states ban gay-marriage but others allow it? Why is it that some states declare that a ban on gay-marriage is unconstitutional yet others say it is not? Why is it that some states recognize gay-marriages from other states but others do not? These are some questions thatRead MoreGay Marrage And Its Constitutionality Essay1421 Words   |  6 PagesGay Marriage and Its Constitutionality The problem with the issue of gay marriage is being faced across the country. This issue has grown in popularity as we have progressed through our stages of taboo to acceptance of gays and their lifestyle. The media and remodels have expressed their acceptance of the issue by exploring the lifestyle and publicizing it. Now California has moved to the forefront of modern attempts to eliminate the codified restrictions on their life. With a high gay population

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Looseness In The Skin Of A Lion By Michael Ondaatje Essay Example For Students

Looseness In The Skin Of A Lion By Michael Ondaatje Essay Looseness ?In The Skin Of A Lion? By Michael OndaatjeLet me now re-emphasise the extreme looseness of the structure of all objects How Ondaatje makes use of loosness in the novel. In ?In The Skin Of A Lion? by Michael Ondaatje, ?the extreme looseness of the structure of all objects? is carried into the themes, characters and into the nature of the novel itself. Ondaatje uses a ?looseness? in the style of the novel post modernism, and ?looseness of structure? in the way that people are able to stretch and expand their boundaries: transform or mask themselves into someone not typical of their social group. We will write a custom essay on Looseness In The Skin Of A Lion By Michael Ondaatje specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now This novel was written in the late 1980s and is classified as a post-modern work. Essentially, ?In The Skin Of A Lion? has many traits of a post-modern novel, it deals with chaos and order, has multi-layered interpretations, provokes an ambiguous and mixed reaction from the reader, and has varied approaches to the conventional storyline; beginning, exposition, and closure. There are liberties taken with the time structure of the narrative. The story itself is like a ?mural, falling together of accomplices.? Ondaatje tells of ordinary people whos stories interlock and intersect, with many ?fragments of human order?. Ondaatje does not tell the stories loosely and scattered with no real purpose in mind, he employs recurring images and motifs, for e.g. moths and insects, feldspar. This is to provide continuity and relevance, and helps him to give a view on the untold history of Toronto. An emphasis is placed on the story that comes from different viewpoints and angles the ?chaos?, and then structures it so that its order of history is ?very faint, very human? as opposed to official histories. It takes every single word from the first page to the last, in order to make sense of the meanings, which ?travel languorously like messages in a bottle?. The novels storyline is not linear, it slides from one character to the next, then slips and loses itself in the time that it created, ?five years earlier, or ten years into the f uture? The prologue only makes sense once the end is reached, and the bits in between all mingle and melt into one another until most of the completed narrative is achieved. In fact, it takes a few good readings to pick up the events and stitch them together to create order, and only then are the meanings apparent. ?Meander if you want to get to town?. Even when the book is finished, there is no distinct closure and finality of the narrative; the story itself is in the process of being told. ?This is a story a young girl gathers in a car, and in that same way, it tells of how that car trip started, so the tale backs up on itself. The novel constantly brings attention that it itself is a work of fiction. There are constant references to art, music, drama, film, photography, and literature, as well as devices used ?You reach people through metaphor?. It implies that it is a creation, ?Only the best art can order the chaotic tumble of events..? and even ?The first sentence of every novel should be. Authors, painters, singers and actors all feature highly in a book about peoples creation of their lives and history. Ondaatjes language in the novel borders on poetry. Imagery, figurative language and emotive words abound whenever he is being descriptive, or making a point. The second paragraph at the beginning of ?Caravaggio?, ?by noon onto the blue metal?, has a certain rhythm in the words and sentences, ?Taking an innocent step/He would fall through the air and die?, ?joined by a rope one on each slope?, that somewhat mirrors lines in poetry. Poetic devices are in the scene of the puppet-show. Similes ?Machine locked in habit?, economic use of words ?exhausted statuary?, and repetition ?There. There. There? effectively convey a vivid image to the reader. .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .postImageUrl , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:hover , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:visited , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:active { border:0!important; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:active , .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf1d2319e6da469deeac939ccc53d168d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Love Essay ThesisThere is not just flexibility in the structure of the novel and how it is written, it is also carried into themes. One of the issues deals with the looseness of boundaries, especially the boundaries of stereotype and class, ?Gestures, and work and bloodline are the only currency?. This attitude is one that Ondaatje aims to challenge in the novel. Boundaries could be physical, e.g. the bridge with the ?lanterns tracing outlines?. This kind is symbolical, the nun loses the boundaries and falls over into a new existence. She takes on a new character and her past life is obliterated, just by having stretched her boundaries. Boundaries could be somewhat physical, in the mental sense. When Patrick sees the loggers skate across ice holding fires, ?his mind raced ahead of his body.? i.e. he has been exposed to a realisation outside of his world. Language and people often have barriers to cross, they ?br through chrysalis into language? and by doing so, the structures of their world changes. Patrick finally breaks through his isolation when he reaches out to communicate with Elena and the Macedonians. He gained new friends, was admired and had to learn a new culture. In this way Ondaatje expresses how life can change from extreme to extreme, just by stretching and expanding boundaries. There is an insinuation throughout the book of the superficiality of constraints. In many examples through the book, Ondaatje lets us see how the ?extreme looseness? is carried into role playing. Alice is a mother, a political activist, a lover, and an actress, all at once, and yet is the same being. The dyers ?leapt into different colours as if into different countries?, but the colour was disrobed from them in a matter of minutes. Of course, the smell has permeated their body eternally, perhaps symbolising that once a role is played, it rema ins with you forever. When first becoming a ?searcher, the experience remained with Patrick, ?a searcher gazing into the darkness of his own country?, searching for how to relate to the people around him and what his place was in his country. So there is the significance of how loose boundaries and social casting can be, and how life can oscillate from extreme to extreme. Structures such as bridges and waterways also have a ?loose? quality, in that its significance is past its physical state. In many instances in this novel, Toronto infrastructure is symbolic of the work achieved by the builders, and how it exists because of the sacrifice of immigrant workers. In The Skin Of A Lion is not just a book based on looseness. Although it creates looseness by its poetic devices, the non-linear time structure and the post-modern nature of the novel, there is nothing loose about Ondaatjes story-telling. There are constant ties and recurrent images in the narrative, and even if the sequence of the events are not in chronological order, there is no doubt that every significant event has been covered and cross-referenced. All these literary devices contribute to the effect of looseness in the way the novel is written. This is reflect ive of the themes, in that historys interpretation can be loosened. There is extreme looseness in the meaning of events to the people who built Toronto in comparison to the official histories, and the symbolic natures of the structure of all objects in the novel. Melissa-Ann ChanBibliographyIn the Skin Of A Lion- Michael OndaatjeEnglish Essays

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Schizophrenia Essays (429 words) - Psychiatry, Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia My Proposal Schizophrenia is a disastrous mental illness present in 1% of the world's population. Doctors are still unsure of the causes of schizophrenia, and no medical cure has been discovered for this illness. Physicians have developed medical treatments, although the problem is getting the patient to stay on the medication, which contains many side affects. Many alternative medications have been tested for instance marijuana is believed to help schizophrenics battle their illness. Schizophrenics should be admitted to hospitals where doctors can be positive they are correctly diagnosed, and make sure they're not dangerous, and can survive in society. Schizophrenia is probably the most misunderstood illness in society today. Even doctors have a hard time agreeing on what forms of treatment are best for the patient. From pills to marijuana all types of drugs are used, a recent study showed only 29% of over 2 million Americans suffering from schizophrenia, get the correct dose of the correct medication. Most doctors would agree that isolation only deepens the illness, so the more social a schizoid is the better. However, schizophrenic's can be very dangerous in public, one mental patient named shoved a woman to her death under a subway train for no apparent reason. This is a frightening thing; a way to control schizos is needed for Americans to feel safe. By having schizophrenic (or mentally ill) people stay in a special hospital for a short period of time, will greatly help with the current problems caused by schizophrenia. In a hospital a patient will be able to receive proper medication from a highly experienced doctor, and also will become familiar with the medicine and how to take it properly. Also the patient will be able to socialize with others, who have a similar illness. The patients may receive psychiatric help if they do become violent. Finally, once the patients prove to be mentally fit, properly diagnosed, and able to constantly take their medicine they will be aloud back in the real world, and others should have nothing to fear. To gain information on this topic, I will search for recent studies on the Internet, magazines, and newspapers. Also I will browse through the school and the public library. An interview with some doctors or psychiatrists would be very helpful as well. By using all of the previous resources I will be able to develop many interesting ideas on schizophrenia, and its problems today. To begin researching this topic I will need the complete support of my teacher. Hopefully, once I have obtained permission I will be able to develop an interesting point of view on this topic. It would also be terrific when my research essay is complete if it would be used to help educate those who are unfamiliar with schizophrenia.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Anglicism and Pseudo Anglicism in Germany

Anglicism and Pseudo Anglicism in Germany Anglicism, Pseudo-Anglicism, and Denglisch-lass Deutsch talken, dude! Just like in many other parts of the world, the Anglo-American impact on culture and daily life can also be witnessed in Germany. Movies, games, and music are mostly of American origin, but not only  are entertainment and media influenced by it but also the language. In Germany, this influence becomes obvious in many cases. Scientists of the University of Bamberg have found out that the use of Anglicisms in Germany has increased more and more over the last twenty years; talking about substantives, it has even doubled. Of course, this is not only the fault of Coca-Cola or The Warner Brothers but also an effect of the dominance of the English language as a way to communicate with the whole world. That is why many English words have made it into everyday use in Germany and within the German language. They are not all the same; some are just lent,  and others are completely made up. Its  time to take a closer look at Anglicism, pseudo-Anglicism, and Denglisch.   Lets first face the difference between Anglicisms and Denglisch. The  first one means just those words which were adopted from the English language, most of them meaning things, phenomena, or anything else without a German expression for it - or at least with no expression that is really used. Sometimes, this can be useful,  but sometimes, it is just excessive. For example, there are plenty of German words, but people just want to sound interesting by using English ones instead. That would be called Denglisch. Digital world Examples for Anglicisms in German can easily be found in the world of computers and electronics. Whereas in the 1980s, mostly German words were commonly  used to describe digital issues, today, most people use English equivalents. An example is the word Platine, meaning (circuit) board. Another one is the rather silly sounding expression Klammeraffe, a German word for the at  sign. Besides the digital world, you could also mention Rollbrett for skateboard. By the way, nationalists or even national socialists in Germany often refuse to use English words, even if they are really common. Instead, they use German equivalents nobody would ever use like Weltnetz instead of Internet or even Weltnetz-Seite (Website). Not only  does the digital world brings many new anglicisms to Germany, but also, business-related topics are more and more likely to be described in English than in German. Because of globalization, many companies think it makes them sound more international if they use E nglish expressions instead of German ones. It is rather common in many companies today to call the Boss  the CEO - an expression that was widely unknown twenty years ago. Many use titles like that for the whole staff. By the way, staff is also an example of an English word replacing a traditional German one - Belegschaft. English assimilation While substantives are rather easy to integrate into the German language, it gets a bit more difficult and also confusing when it comes to verbs. With the German language having rather complex grammar compared to English, it becomes necessary to conjugate them in everyday use. Thats where it becomes weird. Ich habe gechillt (I chilled) is just an everyday example of an Anglicism being used just like a German verb. Especially among young people, speech  patterns like this can often be heard. The language of the youth leads us to another similar phenomenon: translating English words or phrases word by word into German, making a calque. Many German words have English origins nobody would notice at first sight. Wolkenkratzer is just the German equivalent of skyscraper (though meaning cloud-scraper). Not only single words but also whole phrases have been translated and adopted, and they sometimes even replace the correct expression that also exists in German. Saying Das macht Sinn, mean ing That makes sense, is common, but it  just doesnt make sense at all. The right expression would be Das hat Sinn or Das ergibt Sinn. Nevertheless, the first one is silently replacing the others. However, sometimes, this phenomenon is even by intention. The verb gesichtspalmieren, mainly used by young Germans, doesnt really make sense to those who dont know the meaning of face palm - it is just a word-for-word translation into German. However, as a native  English speaker, the  German  language gets confusing when it comes to pseudo-anglicisms. Many  of  them  are  in use, and they all have one thing in common: They sound English, but they were made up by Germans, mostly because somebody wanted something to sound more international. Good examples are Handy, meaning cell phone, a beamer, meaning video projector, and Oldtimer, meaning classic car. Sometimes, this can also lead to embarrassing misunderstandings, for example, if some German tells you he or she is working as a Streetworker, meaning he  or  she is dealing with homeless  people or drug  addicts and doesnt know that it originally described a street prostitute. Sometimes, it can be useful to loan words from other languages, and  sometimes it just sounds silly. German is a beautiful language that can describe almost everything precisely and doesnt need to be replaced by another one - what do you think? Are anglicisms enriching  or unnecessary?

Friday, November 22, 2019

How To Answer The What is Your Desired Salary Job Application Question

How To Answer The What is Your Desired Salary Job Application Question Without a doubt, the â€Å"What is your desired salary?† question is one of the hardest to answer- either on a job application or in an interview situation. An online application doesn’t usually offer a box to tick for â€Å"I’d be willing to negotiate, within reason.† Don’t Just Make Something Up!If you’re faced with a drop-down application box, remember that you have two tools available to you. First, you can do your research. Find out what the industry standard would be for that role, in that industry, in that geographical area, and ask for that (or a little higher or lower depending on your particular skills and experience). This is vital for not being weeded out based on asking for far too little or far too much.Most companies have hiring policies that dictate they will pay new hires the midpoint of the stated salary range they are prepared to offer. Negotiation technique would suggest you ask for just a bit higher than the midpoint, in order not to be offered less than policy would get you.Use Your Application to Explain Your ReasoningA good use of your cover letter is to justify the number you selected. This is where you can add in that important sentence about being open to negotiation. Or to explain, with numbers, why you feel a percentage increase from your former salary is called for- based on performance appraisals, market trends, new skills or experience, etc.How to Figure Out and Verbalize What You WantThere are different ways to go about this. You can ask for a flat salary number per year, which is usually negotiated and standard across a wide variety of industries and careers. Or you might be looking for a job where you’re asked to state what you would expect to make per hour. In both cases, it’s important to ask for just a little more than you expect to be offered- usually 10-15% above what you really need to make.In the case of hourly pay, make sure you’ve done the calculations to figure out exactly how much you need to make per hour, given your hours, to make ends meet. Most workers can expect to work about 2,000 hours per year. Don’t forget to factor in sick days and vacation time- for which you will often not be compensated in an hourly wage job. Don’t accept a job for less unless you absolutely have to. And don’t forget to ask about overtime and bonus pay, if applicable- so you can factor that into your calculations as well.Sometimes you’ll find yourself in a situation where you don’t particularly care what you make for salary, as this number might be standard or non-negotiable in your industry, but there are specific benefits you’d like to negotiate towards. If there are any deal breakers for you in the benefits package, make sure to focus on these when asked about your salary requirements.The Bottom LineMake sure you know how much you need to make, at minimum. You can always use that as your answer: â€Å"I can ’t accept this position for anything less than [AMOUNT].† And be prepared to hold to it. (These calculations are important and should be done with care.)If you prefer a softer touch, you can always answer: â€Å"I think [AMOUNT] would be a fair salary for this position.†Good luck!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Little tokyo, los angeles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Little tokyo, los angeles - Essay Example These men worked as laborers in ranches, road building, gardens and laundry. They faced heavy discrimination in the late 19th century. However, despite the discrimination, Chinese people occupied greater positions, especially, in the laundry and agricultural sector. As a result, they expanded their territory hence acquiring more blocks and buildings. In addition, their population also increased to 3000. However, over the years, the Exclusion Act Laws restricted any large increase in growth. These laws prohibited the Chinese people from owning land, and it forced them to lease or rent units for their homes and businesses. Between 1890 and 1910, Chinatown comprised 15 streets and alleys, and the building units were about 200 units. Apart from this space, Chinatown also had three temples, a theatre, its own newspaper, and a telephone exchange. In addition, the town had few women; therefore, the Exclusion Act was lifted so that Chinese women and children could also immigrate over to join the Chinese men present in Los Angeles (Cho, 14-26). This resulted to community organization. Since the government prohibited the Chinese to have ownership of their personal property, few of them improvised and maintained their properties. This resulted to a decline in the appearance of the old Chinatown. The Chinese did not mind about how the town looked, for instance, they never paved the streets during the end of the old Chinatown. In the end, the Chinese lost all their property because they gave up fighting for whether or not they legally owned the lands they had dearly paid for. In addition, all the improvements and payments had been rendered private. Therefore, there existed no valid proof of anything in consideration to land. As a result, the Chinese were forced to leave their homes, hence the collapse of the old Chinatown (Cho, 27). Fortunately, this collapse resulted to the formation of the new Chinatown; two years after the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

COMZ Study Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

COMZ Study Group - Essay Example Pederson has developed a listening skills which his staff needs to develop he acts as the role model of the organisation. The Clan culture focus mainly on the participation and involvement of the members of the organisation. More than any other, the clan culture mainly focuses primarily on the needs and requirements of the members or the employees and believes that if the performance is satisfactory, profit would follow the organisation (Draft,, 2010, p.411). In a similar manner Pedersen also believes that by delivering good services to the customers and by motivating the employees to do so, profit will follow them. He believes that it is important to image how the employees feel and in turn develop a relationship building skills. Pedersen is committed towards team approach which according to him is essential for the communication industry where creativity is everything. Just as the clan culture suggest of taking care of the employees and make sure that the employees are surrou nded by everything which are required by them, so does Pedersen for its employees. QUESTION 2 Using the PESTLE framework, identify ONE external factor and explain how it has affected COMZ Group. (150) PESTEL Analysis tends to covers the macro environment. The PESTEL covers the Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors of an organisation (Lorat, 2009, p.6). COMZ Group was highly affected by the economic factors as stated in the case study. COMZ Group which began its operation as promotional video production company but latter shifted to event management mainly for the travel industry, the airlines and travel agencies. After the 9/11 attack, the tourism business was affected highly and also had an adverse affect on the COMZ Group. The company had lost about 60% of its business overnight for which the company COMZ had to reposition itself completely. The 9/11 attack had affected the business badly so the company was forced to shift into a new dimensi on. COMZ Group is now a communication agency which offers a range of products and services to both local and large MNCs. Identify ONE other external factor and explain how it could affect COMZ Group in the future Other than the Economic factor, the company is affected by the rivalry among the industry. Since the communication industry is a competitive industry, the company needs to provide effective and better services to gain a competitive edge over its competitors. The COMZ Group continues to face challenges because the communication is often regarded as a luxury by businesses which cannot be afforded during economic downturn. There may be other communication firms which might offer great services at a less amount affecting the business of COMZ Group. Therefore the competition among the established firm within the same industry is usually high and that to in the communication industry (Hills & Jones, 2009, p.43). QUESTION 3 Identify TWO COMZ Group stakeholders (excluding sharehold ers) and describe their likely interests in the performance of the company. Two COMZ Group stakeholders are the customers and the employees who act as core members and are interested in the performance of the company. The customers are the key stakeholders that the organisation needs to satisfy. A customer is someone who is involved in the decision making to acquire a product or implement a

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Gun Control Argumentative Essay Example for Free

Gun Control Argumentative Essay I stumbled over an argumentative article that at first, I did not understand completely. After doing a little research over the topic the author was discussing I quickly connected to his concern for her current children, as well as other children nationwide. What I learnt during my research is about the â€Å"Common Core Standards† that hundreds of thousands of schools follow and teach each year. She set her tone early in the paper so the reader could get an emotional stance on her position. Most common to side with the â€Å"non-common core standard† group is the mothers and fathers of children that are enrolled in many different schools. Whether it’s public or private, and religious or non-religious; each following one of the two choices they have. They can teach the Common Core Standards, or have a choice of what they believe each child will be able to keep up with. Each and every child is different, none are exactly the same. In saying that there is no possible way that the common core is an effective and well established standard for schools to follow. What one child can grasp easily and quickly may take another child longer and need another method of learning and studying in order to be as well knowledgeable as the first student. Others believe that the Common Core Standards are needed for schools to teach ids what they will need to be successful in their future. They see each child as someone that can study and try harder if they are not caught up with the other children, for they are all alike in their learning ways and don’t need special care when learning complicated material. As I see it, when they see a child that struggles in school should try harder or else they will fail, and that’s the end of it. No help to the struggling student or help towards the student that they should want to succeed and thrive in their future. She starts her opinion with a real-life experience that many can relate to. Whether its parents or grandparents they have tried their hardest to give their children what they thought was best. She tells us about how she has sent her 2 daughters through many schools, that have failed to provide her  daughters with the education she believed was right. They (the school) believed that every student was able to learn and act upon that learning in the same ways. She searched and searched through religious schools, private schools, and public schools; until she found one that believed in the power of the student. They moved from the east coast to Colorado where her daughters were enrolled in a school that allowed the girls to escape the corrupted, dumbed-down curriculum of an overpriced private girls school. She uses some examples of mothers that have started home-schooling their children for the sole purpose to get away from the Common core standard, they believe that they will be able to teach their children better than any teacher or school can because they can teach at the pace of the child. Therefore, the children learn in a way that is better for them and will expand the knowledge that they gain throughout their school years. She uses quotes from a mother that is also in her shoes to prove to people that this is a concern that has spread throughout our nation and is making parent take action to change the problem our children face every day Michelle states that â€Å"We were blessed to find a community of parents and public school educators in Colorado Springs who embrace high standards, academic excellence and strong character education for students of every race, creed and class,† she uses words and examples that are easy to understand and comprehend to even the simplest o f minds. All in all Michelle used real-life situations that weren’t only easy to relate to, but also to show her point of view easily and clearly. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone were to respond to the message Michelle is sending to us. Teachers would base their lesson plans on each individual student, pushing for that student to thrive in their studies and achieve what they know they can do. To plan studies that would work best with the students learning abilities. The school would look at the student as an individual, not as the whole student body as the same person. They would stray from thinking that no one is different from another on their learning abilities. Race, ethnicity and social status would not play a part in the education or outcome of each student’s achievements within the school. If no one pays attention to the message Michelle is sending to schools, teachers, and parents around our country; nothing will change. The education of our children, grandchildren, and great great grandchildren will struggle to  learn the material our government thinks they need to know, and learn how they think every student can learn. Our government controls many aspects of our live and environment, why let they control the way we learn and what we learn. They don’t know each individual personally, they have no knowledge on our learning abilities and the struggles we will face with learning certain material throughout our school years. Our educational departments in our nation will only decrease throughout the year if nothing is changed about our educational aspects in children’s lives. Michele did an excellent job on drawing the reader in with a personal story, kudos on the ethos. She wanted people to feel the pain her and her daughters felt throughout their years in school. Struggling with the materials because their teachers neglected to teach in a way that would be more suitable to their learning abilities, which would lead to higher test scores and higher colleges. Her tone, I believe, was perfectly out into this paper. Not to forward to the reader but was easily established in the paper so the reader could identify which side you were defending and the points you would be making throughout the paper. I think that her personal experiences, knowledge, and research are what made her opinion convincing. Knowing that she knew what she was talking about and could answer questions on this topic if need be was very reassuring that she knew her topic well enough to write an opinionated paper in a way to sway even the toughest cookie to her side.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Nature and Nuture Essays -- Psychology Behavior

The question is this: How can we distinguish between the environmental causes of behavior and heredity causes? This question embodies the nature-nurture issue. John B. Watson argued that each is made, not born. He discounted the importance of heredity, maintaining that behavior is managed entirely by the environment. Indeed he boldly claimed: " Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own special world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select-doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and race of his ancestors. I am going beyond my facts and I admit it, but so have the advocates of the contrary and they have been doing it for many thousands of years." (Weiten 82) Although the question was first posed as a nature-versus-nurture issue, developmental psychologists today agree that both nature and nurture interact to produce specific developmental patterns and outcomes. Consequently, the question has evolved into how and to what degree do environment and heredity both produce their effects? No one grows up free of environment influences, nor does anyone develop without being affected by his or her inherited genetic makeup. However, the debate over the comparative influence of the two factors remains active, with different approaches and theories of development emphasizing the environment or heredity to a greater or lesser degree. "Some developmental theories rely on basic psychological principles of learning and stress the role learning plays in producing changes in behavior in a developing child."(Weiten 350) These theories... ...ferent environments, the may consider people raised in similar environment who have totally dissimilar genetic backgrounds. If they find, for example, similar courses of development in two adopted children who have different genetic backgrounds and have been raised in the same family, they have evidence for the importance of sentimental influences on development. Moreover, psychologists can carry out research involving animals with dissimilar backgrounds. By experimentally varying the environment in which they are raised, we can determine the influence of environmental factors on development. Dodge, Kenneth A. "The Nature Nurture Debate. "2004: p418-427. Gloucester County College Library. 2006 Papalia, Diane E. A Child's World: Infancy through Adolescence. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006 Weiten, Wayne. Psychology Themes and Variations. Belmont: Wadsworth, 2002

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Air Cargo Article Critique

China Airlines is facing a fine of up to $85,410 in US dollars for transporting 15 barrels of iridium 192, a class 7 radioactive material, without the proper permit.   In addition to the source cited here, this article can be found in a variety of publications and sources including Google Finance, since China Airlines (TPE:2610) is a publicly traded company.The barrels were kept in a warehouse from February 23rd to February 26th when the airline made application to and received approval to transport radioactive material from the Atomic Energy Council.Employees at the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport found relatively low radioactive levels of the iridium isotope which was being transported to Singapore from the United States.  The destination and intended use of the material is not known.   Iridium 193 is used to detect weaknesses in metal pipes, in radiotherapy, and in radiation treatment of certain cancers.This article underscores the importance of airline industry regulat ion of hazardous material transportation.   The article also underscores the importance of consistency in inspection and detection techniques in international airports.Since levels of radioactivity were low, perhaps employees in U.S. airports found no cause for concern.   It was probably assumed that the airline had the proper permit for handling and transporting the iridium.It is reasonable and correct for the Atomic Energy Council to levy a fine for not having the proper transportation permit.   However, the Council needs to work with cargo carriers, international agencies, and airports to develop uniform inspection and detection protocols.Inspection techniques should have examining transport licensing and permits as an objective.   Detection techniques should have determining acceptable radioactivity levels as an objective.   The techniques should have safe and timely transport of materials as a common goal.ReferenceCAL TO BE FINED FOR TRANSPORTING RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL WITHOUT PERMIT. (March 6, 2009). AsiaPulse News. Retrieved March 10, 2009, from General OneFile via Gale.Google Finance.   China Airlines Ltd.(Public, TPE:2610) Retrieved March 10.   2009, from

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Population & The Environment Essay

Discussions regarding the environmental impact of increasing population densities across the globe never lose their currency. From Thomas Malthus to Paul R. Erlich and onwards, there is a persistent concern that a growing international population may not only reach a tipping point in which the planet’s ability to provide for it is stretched to its limit, but begin to experience detrimental effects in the form of environmental problems. This concern is not simply a matter of numbers, but a matter of how industrial civilizations have consistently failed to curtail anthropogenic impacts. As Donella Meadows (199) opines, â€Å"not only are there so many more of us, but each of us is bigger† when one measures the amount of energy and material we use and the amount of pollutants and waste created by the industries we have created to support our energy and material use. In effect, â€Å"The number of people is not what degrades the earth; it’s the number of people times the flow of energy and material each person commands. † One of the most frequently cited means by which highly dense populations negatively impact the environment is through intense car use. Alex Steffen (2008) notes that intensive car use within a finite geographic territory is not only a massive contributor to greenhouse emissions that are warming the planet, but they also command a large amount of resource use through the inputs necessary to maintain highway infrastructure, build the actual cars and fuel them. Granted, the resource consumption and greenhouse emissions caused directly by private automobile ownership is absolutely no surprise to anyone, but the less obvious implication that Steffen reports is that exhaust emissions are only a fraction of the environmental impact of the automobile. Over the course of the mid-20th century onwards, the increasing prominence of the automobile as part of modern living has necessitated the construction of massive highway infrastructure. The result is that when you factor dense populations with intense private ownership and use of automobiles is that not only is there a massive amount of greenhouse emissions, but the amount of pavement this infrastructure commands can contribute significantly to the heat island effect which has become a concern among urban planners as of late. Heat islands not only increase the amount of energy expended on indoor air conditioning, but they can worsen air quality. (Steffen, 2008) As such, Steffen argues that no matter the great lengths that today’s automobile manufacturers go to in order to make their automobiles into shiny fuel-efficient emissions-reduced green things to sate the eco-minded consumer, it will not be enough to remediate environmental impacts brought about by car use. Take for example the push towards biofuels, which is essentially, a push for auto manufacturers, in collaboration with energy companies, to make automobiles that run on renewable agricultural products that emit a reduced amount of greenhouse gases. While there is much fuss in the mainstream press about the extent to which the biofuel industry is cannibalizing the food supply, a more overlooked concern is the manner in which the expansion of industrial agriculture to such a massive scale negatively impacts the environment. Simply put, the principal concern is not the ability of agriculture to feed populations, but rather how the expansion of the food supply, combined with the accommodations made for biofuels, has a deleterious effect on the environment. Manning (85-89) notes that the homogenous and unsustainable approach of industrialized corn-based agriculture is detrimental to the health of the soil. As such, there is a possibility that the massive conversion of lands towards the production of corn could recreate the conditions of The Great Dust Bowl, a period in the American heartland which saw hundreds of thousands of would-be wheat farmers plow the soil to death to profit from golden grain. Thus, as civilizations increase in population density, so too do their demands in food and automobile use, effectively exerting a greater toll on the planet’s natural environment. In any case, we must be mindful to remember that the problems inherent with a massive human population should not lead us to conclude that humans have no ecologically acceptable place in the planet. Humanity is not a virus on the operating system of the planet. Rather, what human society should begin to acknowledge is that it must begin to take a more comprehensive look at its impacts in order to correct them thoroughly. REFERENCES Meadows, Donella. â€Å"The Deep Six. † Grist. 12 October 1999. Retrieved online on March 14, 2009 from: http://www. grist. org/comments/citizen/1999/10/12/deep/index. html Steffen, Alex. â€Å"My Other Car is a Bright Green City. † Worldchanging. 23 January 2008. Retrieved online on March 14, 2009 from: http://www. worldchanging. com/archives/007800. html Manning, Richard. Against the Grain: How Agriculture Has Hijacked Civilization. New York: North Point Press, 2004.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Neighborhood Paper

Neighborhood Paper Neighborhood Paper More to It than Just Ballwin From Ballshow to Ballwin, this city has always prospered in Missouri. Known as one the safest and most family oriented cities, Ballwin is more than just a nice place to live. It is home to many events, parks, and events to provide entertainment for the residents who live there and all those visiting. Even John Ball knew that it would be a great city, changing the name from Ballshow to Ballwin, as he saw it was most likely to â€Å"‘win out† in reputation and growth over its older and more prominent neighbor [Manchester]† (City of Ballwin). Off the radar to many in St. Louis, Ballwin is in fact a remarkable city for entertainment and events for those of all ages. Most people searching for entertainment would not think of Ballwin first, when in actuality Ballwin is a great source of amusement for all. For the younger children, many parents are hoping to keep them busy over the summers when they are at home more often and have less to do. Ballwin hosts many summer camps for kids of all ages. There are many different types for all interests including: Aqua Camp, Harry Potter Camp, Country Club Camp, Science Detective's Camp, Drama Camp, Jam Camp, and many more (City of Ballwin). The kids at these camps are kept busy and safe as they explore their talents and interests in a fun and safe environment with their friends. Many of the parishes in Ballwin also host a Vacation Bible School day camp over the summer for those who would like their child to have a more religious yet fun experience. No matter which summer camp a child goes to, they are bound to have fun. For the teenagers, who deem themselves too old and â€Å"cool† to go to summer camps, there are other things for them to do. West County Lanes, off of Manchester Road, provides a great bowling experience complete with an arcade and Cosmic Bowling (bowling with neon and strobe lights in the evening). Many shops and restaurants are also open on Manchester Road and Big Bend Road (the two main streets in Ballwin) for the younger residents to enjoy. For children and teens of all ages, there are many swimming pools in Ballwin, the two largest being The Pointe and The North Pointe, which are indoor and outdoor recreational facilities with swimming pools and water parks. Also many neighborhoods have residential pools for those that live there. So, as can be seen, there are also many areas of entertainment for the older children and teenagers in Ballwin. Entertainment for adults is also very well sought out. The shops on Manchester and Big Bend are quite popular among adults, along with many restaurants and bars. There are also a few golf courses native to the city, such as Ballwin Golf Course. Each of the golf courses found in the city has a beautiful course with its own clubhouse to rest and relax in after a grueling game. For those that enjoy being outdoors more than others, deer hunting is also a common past time in not only Ballwin but all of St. Louis. St. Louis in 2012 had a population of about 24,500 deer, which was an 18% rise from 2011 (Flinn Sumners Hanson 8). The deer population is steadily growing, despite the many hunters in Missouri. As the deer population grows, so does the number of permitted hunters. In 2012, 517,618 permits were issued for deer hunting alone in Missouri (Flinn Sumners Hanson 19). Although deer hunting is available for all ages, it is mostly adults 40 and over (64% of all permits are issued for this age group). Along with deer hunting, other activities such as regular bingo nights and auctions at many schools and parishes are held for all residents of Ballwin. Everyone is welcome to these events and they are always sure to be fun for all. Being rated as one of the best places to live in 2005, 2011, and 2013 by CNNMoney Magazine, Ballwin continues to be a safe and friendly environment for families to enjoy themselves. Along with all the activities for all different age groups, there are also many

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Folks versus People

Folks versus People Folks versus People Folks versus People By Maeve Maddox Recently I was amused to hear Jon Stewart express bewilderment at George Bushs continued use of the word folks in inappropriate contexts. This is one of many of the Presidents peculiarities of speech that has bothered me for some time. Stewart was referring to this remark in the Presidents July 4 speech: Many of the spectacular car bombings and killings you see are as a result of al Qaeda the very same folks that attacked us on September the 11th. Folks is notat least it hasnt been since Chaucers timean exact synonym for people. Whereas people is a standard word that may be used in any context, folks is a colloquialism with definite connotations. Folks generally suggests a certain warmth and down home flavor. Just as kids is not the most appropriate word to use when talking about young people who have robbed a store and beaten its owner, folks is probably not the best word to use when referring to people who go around blowing up shoppers at the local market or mourners at a funeral. The word folk can refer to a group of people related in some way, either by blood or by occupation. For example, one can speak of farmer folk as well as the German folk. When used to refer to members of a nation, folk usually carries the connotation of the common people. Folklore is the study or body of stories and beliefs of the common people. Likewise folk music is less sophisticated than classical or pop. The adjective folksy implies the relaxed, informal behavior and speech associated with rural people. President Bush, for example, wins many of his supporters by projecting a folksy Texas image that belies his expensive education at an Andover prep school and at Yale and Harvard universities. The word people can mean something other than human beings in general. In expressions like the motto the People rule, people has the sense of the public, all of the people as a political entity. The phrase you people is sometimes used to lump people for criticism, as in You people dont know what youre talking about! or even simply You people! Small mythical humanoid creatures, like leprechauns, may be called either the Little People or the Little Folk. In addition to being the most usual noun for human beings considered collectively, people can also be used as a verb meaning to populate or give birth to more human beings: According to the Hebrew Book of Genesis, Adam and Eve peopled the earth with their descendants. Unlike my folks which means my family members, the expression my people seems to mean people who work for me or people who look out for my interests. Only time will tell what finally happens with folks. Heard frequently enough, nonstandard usage comes to sound right. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Use â€Å"That,† â€Å"Which,† and â€Å"Who†The Four Sounds of the Spelling OUHow to Write a Proposal

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Critical Thinking Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical Thinking Assignment - Essay Example Moreover, elements in the identical column share similar traits that distinguish them ((John 45). They are categorized as a family or a group. However, these elements exhibit differences because of variation in the proportion of neutrons, electrons, protons, atomic mass and isotopes. Indeed, the bonds can be covalent, polar or ionic. Ionic compounds are compounds with two or more ions held closely by electrical attraction. They contain cation (+) and the anion (-) charges. Most Ionic compounds dissolve in water. Some ionic compounds fail to disband in water. The ionic compounds that contain highly polarized ions often do not dissolve in water. Moreover, ionic compounds form when non-metals bond to metals. When this happens, the compounds react rather than dissolve in water (John 59). For instance when sodium (an ionic compound) is dissolved in water a chemical reaction is observed: (Na2O(s) + aq → 2Na+(aq) + O2−(aq). A bond is covalent if its atoms share electrons instead of transferring them from one electron to another. Covalent bonds exist where two non-metals bond (John 70). Covalent bonds have lower electro negativity thus they share electrons when bonding. Most covalent bonds fail to dissolve in water. This is because they are mainly non-polar while water is polarized. Compounds dissolve in solutions that harbor similar properties in terms of polarity. Moreover, covalent bonds are held by strong covalent bonds that cannot pull apart in water. However, there are unique cases where covalent bonds dissolve in water ((John 71). The chemical formula of water is H2O. That is one molecule of oxygen for two hydrogen atoms, which are bonded covalently to form water. When chemical compounds are introduced in water, reactions occur because of the differences in polarity and electro negativity of water in relation to other substances (John 60). Compounds such as sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine react with H20 to release gases and metal oxides.